UpLift is being developed to give everyone a seat at the table, may these stories be stories of the past. At Lexia.Solutions, this is our focus.
"Safety and Community Context: Exploring a Transfeminist Approach to Sapphic Relationship Platforms" recently got published, and is the first professional research paper I've been a part of! What pulled me towards this project initially was a mix of curiosity for research, wanting to help others, and wanting to expand understanding of my own identity. Getting to help participants feel heard in their lived experiences, being a part of design research that helps people in the sapphic community, and working with the Identity Lab researchers was unforgettable. The communal support from the whole team helped me feel confident in my own identity, this team of researchers were some of the first people in my life to welcome me by my chosen name "Cade" as I was mustering the courage to phase out my legal name in personal and professional settings. I want to thank the Primary Investigator, Michael Ann DeVito, for not only being an exceptional teacher and researcher, but for their above and beyond support while I was fully coming into my own identity. "Safety and Community Context: Exploring a Transfeminist Approach to Sapphic Relationship Platforms" Michael Ann DeVito, Jessica L. Feuston, Erika Melder, Christen Malloy, Cade Ponder, and Jed R. Brubaker. 2024.?Safety and Community Context: Exploring a Transfeminist Approach to Sapphic Relationship Platforms.?In?Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction,?Vol. 8, CSCW1,?Article 203 (April 2024), 35 pages,?https://lnkd.in/gxwCjfUW
Safety and Community Context: Exploring a Transfeminist Approach to Sapphic Relationship Platforms | Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
The Spinoff has published this important piece from one of our kaimahi, Alexia Black. In reflecting on the life of Sir Robert Martin, Alexia examines how we view disabled people and how we continue his work. Click on the link below to read the article. https://lnkd.in/dMkCkegg
Sir Robert Martin and the way we view disabled people
The Just Cause of The Momentum Center for Social Engagement is to create a community where every person is fully visible, valued, and connected. Executive Director Barbara Lee VanHorssen provides a positive space for social and recreational activities related to mental health, wellbeing, and disability. Membership costs $1 per year and no diagnosis or referral is required. They fill the gap in the community of care between individual and clinical services. The most important thing about The Momentum Center is it works! Members are showing statistically significant decreases in depression, anxiety, and loneliness. The Momentum Center is giving people hope, meaning, and purpose. They are literally saving lives. There are locations in both Grand Haven and Holland. If you haven't been to their location at 401 N 7th Street, I encourage you to check it out. It is a fabulous new space! To hear more about The Momentum Center for Social Engagement and many of the amazing resources available in our community, tune into their story on StoryCorps. If you want to read about the organizations, information can be found in my book, "The Power of Community Connectedness: Creating Lifelong Impact & Inclusion for Individuals with Disabilities." Books can be found on Amazon using the link in the comments and The Bookman here in Grand Haven. There is no need to journey alone. There are people and organizations who want to walk alongside you. Reach out. It is my hope that other communities will start similar organizations. Any one of the book's contributors would be happy to share their model and answer questions. Community Connectedness is powerful! We are truly better together. #inclusion #connection #disability #community https://lnkd.in/gUQKqxDD
Recording – 03-25-2024 10:21:01
NEW HUMOR ALERT: While it may be a good idea for many companies to put out mission statements and statements of purpose, I'm not so sure it was such a great idea for the Heritage Foundation and Trump to do so in the form of Project 2025. The now-(conveniently) disavowed document shows that maybe it's not always a good idea to publicize a low quality product. I'm only 70 pages in on my Project 2025 project and I still can't believe the weirdness behind this...whatever it is. Today, I cover how the Heritage Foundation wants to deal with drugs and sexuality. Somehow they manage to link both of them to wokeness. https://lnkd.in/gZzUgMVZ
The Project 2025 Saga Continues
Take the time to learn about ableism and help us be a part of the solution rather than (un)knowingly being part of the problem. This article is a great guide to understand what exactly is ableism and what you can do about this.
Abelism an important topic to know about and how to shut it down as the article. https://lnkd.in/g3vdgQJ3
Ableism: What It Is, What It Looks Like and How To Shut It Down
When filling out an online form, we all seek clear instructions, a quick process, and a seamless experience. For individuals with disabilities, achieving this positive experience is dependent on ensuring that the form is accessible. Here is an insightful read on best practices for accessible forms. #Accessibility #Inclusion https://lnkd.in/eAiK9NSJ
The anatomy of accessible forms: Best practices | Deque
Abelism an important topic to know about and how to shut it down as the article. https://lnkd.in/g3vdgQJ3
Ableism: What It Is, What It Looks Like and How To Shut It Down
Call for Special Issue of The Moving Image: “Accessibility in Moving Image Archives.” The goal of this special issue is to reflect on the relationship between disability and moving image archives. How is disability represented in moving image collections? Where has there been growth? What inclusion efforts still need to be made to create accessible moving image archives for users and archivists?
The Association of Moving Image Archivists - The Moving Image: Special IssueThe Moving Image: Special Issue – The Association of Moving Image Archivists
Pleased tp announce latest publication When ‘us’ becomes ‘them’: Rescripting queer sexual subjectivities in Thai children’s lifeworlds Nuntiya Doungphummes, Narongdej Phanthaphoomme Mark Vicars Abstract Public discussions of non-normative sexualities are generally ‘tolerated’ in many Thai public spaces; however, being visibly homosexual in Thailand can mean being susceptible to discrimination and stigmatization. In this study, children’s ability to re-narrate their life worlds is articulated and through an a/r/tographic articulation of the assemblages of their onto-epistemic social relations drawn from their everyday encountering of images of gender and sexuality. Their depictions via social media we collected include self-disclosure, desired becoming, intimacy, and the ideal of coupledom and marriage. This study argues that the conspicuous divide between the curated personas of young queers in the digital platform and the nuanced authenticity of their lived experiences may not singularly account for the prejudices they endure within Thai society. The immediacy and alluring nature of these platforms heighten the vulnerability of LGBTQ+ ingénues, whose audacious self-representation serves as both a declaration of identity and a target for inspection. OnlineFirst https://lnkd.in/gtphwc28
YOUR WEEK AHEAD ~ (May 6 - 12), plus essential information on the energies affecting the world this week. #numerology #numbers #motivation #inspiration #innovation #metaphysics ~ know where you are in your journey ~