"Some days, doing 'the best we can' may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn't perfect on any front -- and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else." (Fred Rogers) Many of us have been on a full-out sprint since the global pandemic started. Changes in routines, blurred work-life lines, and saturated schedules of meetings and commitments. It's a lot to handle - and it can create a lot of stress. Today felt an apt day for a reminder that sometimes you just need to give yourself a break. The most effective leaders recognize when to slow down, apply a little self-care, and manage the anxiety and tension created by current circumstances. Compassion is contagious - start with yourself. #emotionalintelligence #selfcare #stressmanagement
So true. Reminds me of something I read some time back that essentially said: stress is not the problem, it’s stressing about the stress #DontPileOn
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I have a new motto, Laura. "Enjoy." I have always loved what I do. As you know. But now that I get to select my clients and grow Azinger Media Production, LLC dba AMPlifi, I am going to enjoy every single moment.
Thank you for
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#Worklifebalance is the key to success when you are overloaded with work you got to say NO. When you fall sick nobody will come apart from your loved ones. Take breaks, set expectations, don't overhype yourself and land into more responsibilities. Plan your day, break things into the task and prioritize it. Your body knowns symptoms of illness more than anyone else. Cheer up.
Freelance Community Development: Public Relations and Project Coordinator at Data Base Solutions
4 年Great piece! I love it