We killed total 57 ASIN of several competitors in 1 day. Yup. You heard that right. These were sellers or brands who copied our bullet points, few of them copied parts of our infographics and sometimes even product images. ( I mean come-on brands- atleast make efforts to click your own pictures) We raised case through brand registry and within half-hour their asins were made inactive by amazon. Not 1 or 2 but whopping 57 ASINs However, We are not as cruel as you think, later when these brands approached us, admitting that they have realized their mistake, we retracted our complaints so that their ASINs could go live again. Amazon is a place of healthy competition, I have no hesitation in admitting that I have learned a lot from my competitors. However there is difference in taking inspiration and copying content and this is what we planned for, To teach lesson without harming them. Keep following to learn more about strategies to sell & win on amazon.
Random guy sold our products on Amazon without our concern. I raised a complaint, and then I retracted the complaint after he committed he wouldn't sell. After a few weeks, the same guy started selling on Amazon.
Kushagra Verma Indeed amazon is a place of healthy competition, but it comes with its own challenges. Thank you for keeping on sharing your learnings and experiences
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3 周Iam facing listing mapping issues Amazon brand registry complaints are under review only no further process