Collaboration to strengthen aviation engineering education in Norway Our subsidiary Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services AS and Fosen Secondary School in Tr?ndelag, Norway, have signed a cooperation agreement covering courses and training in aviation engineering education. Starting in autumn 2025, Fosen will expand its aviation educational offerings by introducing its first courses in aviation engineering subjects for KONGSBERG employees. The agreement is essential for maintaining and developing our employees’ expertise while ensuring the Norwegian Air Force has the right competence at the right time. The proximity to the ?rland Air Base is important for the school, which has a unique student offering that includes a DA-20 JetFalcon, a Sea King helicopter and an F-16 fighter jet. The school also has extensive cooperation with 132 Air Wing at ?rlandet and offers school places for military personnel who need additional aviation technical expertise. Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services, part of our business area Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, performs maintenance on aircraft and helicopters and is an important contributor to the Air Force's ability to patrol and protect Norwegian airspace. #aviation #career #education
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