Are you curious about what happens before, during, and after a Ketamine Infusion? Our latest article breaks down the entire process, providing clarity and putting your mind at ease. Click here to learn more: #MentalHealthTreatment #Ketamine #KCLA
Ketamine Clinics Los Angeles的动态
Use the Wheel of Life tool to help integrate a ketamine infusion experience or even to evaluate and reflect on the different areas of life and then take action ?? Learn how to use this tool in this post. Swipe right to learn more. #Integration #KetamineTherapy #WheelOfLife #ResetKetamine
- An I2-catalyzed oxidative cross-coupling of α-amino ketones with a wide range of alcohols
Unveiling the Power of Dopamine: Red Friday Strain Review Join us on Red Friday reviews as we delve into the world of the sativa dominant strain Dopamine. Get ready to uncover the secrets of this invigorating strain. ???? #RedFridayReviews #Dopamine #SativaStrain #CannabisCommunity
We have 10 questions you should ask before you have a ketamine treatment, and here are questions #1-3. #1 Will someone be with me the entire time? #2 How do you determine the dose of ketamine? #3 Will I have my vital signs monitored throughout the entire session? Watch to see why these are key questions. Keep an eye out for follow up videos where we cover all 10 questions! #ResetKetamine #Q&A #KetamineInfusionTherapy
Ketamine can improve Peak Expiratory Flow Rate by 30% during exacerbations. Learn More : #Asthma #Ketamine
Be careful how you reward progress... Internal Dopamine = Compounding Drive External Dopamine = Diminishing Drive Dopamines main goal is to be released when you achieve a milestone or think you’re on the right path. Dopamine takes the norepinephrine - which is normally rate limiting, at some point you have so much norepinephrine that your body forcefully quits - dopamine can push that noradrenaline back down and give you more room/ space to do duration - path - outcome work (highly focused work). Here's a more detailed look into it:
Creativity is an easy way to trigger dopamine release in our brains. And that helps us focus, reduces inhibitions and just feels great. #creativityincommon #creativity #roiofcreativity #dopamine
The Secrets Behind Resisting Dopamine In this video, you will learn, the secrets behind resisting dopamine. Here, I will show you, 5 secret ways to dopamine detox. By watching this video you will be able to control your dopamine. #dopamine #thesecretbehindresistingdopamine #dopaminedetox Watch the video here:
The Secrets Behind Resisting Dopamine