“They Say It’s Your Birthday!” Happy Birthday, Johnny Cash. #BoogieCats! Sunday evening, we are having a dual birthday event on #6DegreesoftheDelta. Join us for this encore episode as we celebrate #GeorgeHarrison (February 25) and #JohnnyCash (February 26). We will hear music from #TravelingWilburys #Highwaymen #BobDylan #DhaniHarrison #RosanneCash, and more. You’ll also hear tunes from two musical extravaganzas, #MemphisRockandRollHomecoming and #BobDylans30thAnniversaryCelebration. Plus, there are some #PettyCash moments. Tune in and watch the radio with us on 6 Degrees of the Delta, every Sunday evening at 5 pm central time, on #KASU. Join me, #ArkansasDeltaLaDawn on this musical journey, connecting the roots of modern music back to the Delta. Come for the music, stay for the stories. Tune in to KASU and listen from the dial at 91.9 FM. And, even if you are in a galaxy far, far away, you can listen globally by streaming us from KASU.org, downloading the KASU Radio App, downloading the TuneIn Radio App to your mobile devices, or telling your smart speaker to play KASU. Tune in and be a Boogie Cat, too. Logo design-#DIYGene #NPR #publicradio #weareallboogiecats #TuneInRadio #astateheritagestudies #astateclac #radio #streaming #goodradioishardtofind #yougotlucky #whenyoufoundus #watchingtheradio