Thank you DallasNews Corporation and thank you donors for remembering every generation in your philanthropy planning. Charities serving older adults and their loved ones need your help! ?? #everyagematters #makeadifference
Juliette Fowler Communities的动态
Inflation is still impacting charitable giving. But applying research and analytics to your donor file will guide you to grow support. Find out what to do next in our Insight Report: The Economic Outlook for Fundraising.
I’ve heard that the best return on money is giving back. Achieving freedom of time from passive income through multifamily apartment investing provides many options in life. One option my wife and I have chosen is to give back to our community and help those in need through volunteering or financial gifts. Why give back? The world is imperfect, and we can do our part to make it a better place. The benefits of giving back: -Regular volunteering is proven to improve both physical and mental health. -Volunteering gives people a sense of purpose. -The fulfillment of giving back and contributing to society is unparalleled. -It is a great way to connect with your community and form new relationships. -Dedication to helping others teaches patience, kindness, and resilience. -Volunteering may help you discover a new passion or interest. Organizations my wife and I have volunteered time and/or donated money to include: ? OCUnited: A coalition of citizens, non-profits, and churches partnering in the healing and prevention of trauma through restorative relationships and whole person care in Orange County, California ( ? Camp Agape California: A free 4-day camp for California children who have parents in prison. The camp positions the kids to build positive, long-lasting relationships, experience spiritual, social, and relational growth, as well as prepare them for a restorative relationship with their parents upon release from prison. ? Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse: Their mission is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. This is done by packing shoeboxes full of quality gifts and sending them to over 100 countries ( ? Raising Funds for Pediatric Cancer Research at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles via the Malibu Triathlon: I’ve raised over $40,000 in the six years I’ve done the triathlon ( ? Second Harvest Food Bank Orange County: Provides dignified, equitable, and consistent access to nutritious food to those in need, thus creating a foundation for community health ( Fullerton Free Church Ministries: We have served as peer counselors ( ? The Third Option: A skills-based program that helps participants build stronger, more fulfilling relationships - we have served as small group facilitators ( I’m curious how others help those in need. #giveback #passiveincome #freedomoftime
Food for thought... Between 3.5 million and 4.2 million?youth and young adults in the United States experience homelessness each year.?This is roughly one in 30 youth ages 13–17 and one in 10 young adults ages 18–21. My goal is to continue to do my part to help these statistics. Last night was my first meeting on the Homeless Youth Connection’s Board of Directors. I was immediately and genuinely impressed by everything I learned. Sitting on this board is already proving to be a great experience as I'm now able to see firsthand even more of the incredible work HYC does, which I wasn’t fully aware of before. It was an eye-opening experience to hear about the behind-the-scenes opportunities as well as challenges – like funding issues, financial concerns, legalities, and the many other daily struggles serving over 700 youth experiencing homelessness that aren’t as visible to the public. These nonprofits do not have endless funds. It's important to shift the perception of the public’s eye and to highlight the fierce reality that every donation is vital to keeping the doors open and continuing the work that they do. At HYC, the teens they serve not only deserve it, but they also need this to survive and we can all help shape their futures together! The things I heard last night already solidified my decision to join, and I’m excited to contribute to the cause. If you are looking to get involved and to find a way to help homeless youths here as a few ideas and ways that you can help: ? Tax Credit – You no longer need to itemize your taxes to take advantage of the Charitable Tax Credit. This tax credit is in addition to the Public and Private Education Tax Credit and Foster Care Tax Credit. - Couples filing jointly can give any amount up to $938 and individuals can give up to $470. All donations above the tax credit maximums can be taken as a charitable deduction on both state and federal taxes. ? Volunteering – If interested in or hosting any in-kind donation drives – laundry soap, hygiene items, cleaning supplies, etc., please contact [email protected]. ? Corporate or personal monthly contributions. Grants and contributions of this kind are needed and greatly appreciated. Please contact [email protected]. Giving back doesn’t only feel good and help you sleep better at night; it is a humanly obligation and simply something we all can do to make this world a better place. #endhomelessness #teenhomelessness #homelessyouth #charity #givingback #Sundtconstruction #Sundtcares
“Charity begins at home” in its essence means we teach our children how to be charitable; sometimes by setting the example but more powerfully by involving our children in the process. A local restaurant, Michael & Marion’s hosts “Soups On” every Christmas Eve. Krista and Kent Smith and their family give the ingredients and their time. The staff also come in as volunteers and cheerfully give of their skills and time. What a phenomenal atmosphere! A variety of soups and bread are offered and patrons choose how much to give. Every penny goes to a local charity (again this year, $5000+). Small business owners and high-net-worth families often want to give back to the communities and/or organizations who impacted their lives and growth over the years. It doesn’t need to be Christmas and it doesn’t need to be soup. There are many ways to give and many ways to involve the next generations, and yes, your clients too. Help close the gap. Need ideas? We help with that. #philanthropy, #charitablegiving, #charity, #wealthy, #planning,
MEMBER CONTENT: Canada is experiencing a growing “charity gap” where the demand for charitable services is outpacing funding. However, this generous time of year is the perfect opportunity for high-net-worth families to help guide younger generations in philanthropy. PearTree Canada Philanthropic Foundations Canada / Fondations philanthropiques Canada Imagine Canada Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP) #giving #holiday #philanthropy #wealth #transfer #familyoffice
?? New Report on Charitable Giving for Philanthropy Brainiacs?? The latest research, “Overcoming Psychological Barriers to Giving” by the National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP) uncovers the key psychological obstacles that donors face when making decisions. Based on interviews and behavioral science, it highlights 10 barriers including: 1?? Too Many Choices – Donors are overwhelmed by endless options. 2?? Burdensome Tasks – Admin work slows them down. 3?? Lack of Urgency – No rush when impact feels distant. 4?? Fear of Public Scrutiny – The fear of being judged keeps them quiet. 5?? Worry They Don’t Know Enough – Donors hesitate, feeling uninformed. 6?? Lack of Trust in Nonprofits – Skepticism about nonprofits’ effectiveness. 7?? Uncomfortable Family Dynamics – Wealth can stir up tension. 8?? Discomfort with Risk – Donors shy away from high-stakes giving. 9?? Scarcity Mindset – Even wealthy donors fear not having “enough.” 1??0?? Lack of Time – Busy lives make philanthropy a lower priority. ?? Why this matters: As nonprofit fundraisers, understanding these barriers helps us break down psychological roadblocks. More importantly, it helps us understand what is and is not in our control as fundraisers. Have you encountered these challenges with your donors? What is missing from the list? Tantia, P., Tedesco, N., & Erickson, B. (2024). Overcoming psychological barriers to giving. National Center for Family Philanthropy. Full report - #Philanthropy #NonprofitLeadership #DonorEngagement #FundraisingTips
Embrace the 'Golden Age of Planned Giving'! We all know the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. Of course, the second best time is now. In the next 10 years alone, $9 trillion of household wealth and assets are expected to transfer from the Builders to Baby Boomers to Gen-X and Millennial Americans. Looking further out, in the next 25 years, 45 million U.S. households will pass $68 trillion to charities and their children, the biggest generational wealth transfer ever. As a simple stewardship question—is your ministry participating in this transfer of wealth? #FPM #LegacyPlanning #Stewardship
Boomers need more help from professional advisors & non-profits. 78% prioritize charitable giving, but only half discuss strategies with their advisors. Most are unaware of tax-smart strategies: only 22% are aware of DAFs, 26% understand QCDs, and 32% understand the tax benefits of donating appreciated assets.
Reminders of what my work (and life in general) is all about: hope and community. I am an optimist, possibly to a fault, but some weeks I do struggle to keep the smile when I look at the struggles people in the world face. This week I have been reading some of the grant applications we have received, and this one really got me: “Since 2021 we’ve witnessed a 38% increase in families asking for help; all disproportionately impacted by food/fuel insecurity and poor health outcomes, with many struggling in poor and often chaotic, overcrowded households. Children and young people, even those eligible for free school meals, are hungry, with limited food at home or for lunch boxes. Not being able to access nutritious food has multiple negative impacts on their health, well-being, learning and concentration. We work with growing numbers of parents who starve and skip numerous meals so that their children can eat, or make the stark choice between eating and heating in the coming winter.” However, my natural optimism is still intact. We are in a position to do something about this. The applications I read described how community stalwarts are stepping up to run youth groups, using their energy, skills and belief in people to build community hubs and places where people can come to make friends, find purpose, increase their social capital and frankly make life worth living. Testimonial after testimonial from charity beneficiaries who had turned their lives around from debt, poverty and hopelessness thanks to the kindness and talent of grassroots charities and community centres and the human bonds they make. If you, like me, think hope is to be found in human connection and community, please consider giving to our Living Essentials Fund so that we can make more of this happen. #hope #community #philanthropy
Because it's always helpful to have a little advice on how to be a better fundraiser. Some key takeaways from this The Chronicle of Philanthropy article: 1. Pay attention to your older volunteers. They like to give back both as volunteers and as donors. 2. Make sure your website gives info on the many ways people can give.
Why should I care about underprivileged children? For some people, giving to charity isn’t on the top of their to-do list. They don’t understand what the point is and they might even believe that their money won’t be used for any good. But they are wrong. If you have the financial means to do so, giving to charity is one of the most important things that you can do. Especially when that charity is working to help underprivileged children. Children are our future. Without them, our country and our world would go nowhere. Not only will giving to charities that help children benefit the children themselves, but it will also positively affect our society. Underprivileged children lose their ability to have a normal childhood. They aren’t capable of developing emotionally, physically and socially. Moreover, research has shown that they are more likely to be depressed, have low self-esteem, not receive an education, and suffer from a lack of sleep and bad nutrition. As these children grow up, they are less likely to positively contribute to society since they might not be able to hold a stable and good paying job. Instead of working they are more likely to partake in crime and fall victim to the criminal justice system. But why should you spend your hard earned money to potentially impact the life of a child that you don’t even know? You have bills to pay and maybe even your own children to support. You feel that you don’t have the time or money to deal with this issue or even make a lasting impact. That’s where you’re wrong. Even a small donation can work towards helping a child. If everyone donated a little then, then eventually we would have enough to help. While this may seem selfish, donating to organizations that work to help children can, in turn, help you and your children. By getting a child the education that they need and allowing them the opportunity to lead a more normal life, your donation will help them become a useful member of society. The more children that grow up to work jobs and contribute to the economy, the better off we are as a society, nation and world. While you won’t see this effect the minute you donate your money, know that your efforts are working towards creating a better future for everyone. Children are our future, so why not give as many children as possible the opportunity for a brighter one? - Culled from Dan Neiditch If you’re looking to contribute to an incredible cause and curious to learn about The Revive Youth Initiative (TRYI), kindly check out the page. #charitywork #underprivilegedchildren #buildingabetterfuture