From the report: "We can see that specific industries tend to be concentrated in specific states. For the purposes of animal advocacy, it is perfectly reasonable to view the United States not as a single country, but as a network of 50 closely related countries that each has a distinct pattern of animal production." How can animal advocacy organisations work to help animals farmed or caught for food in the United States? The most promising route to change will depend on the specific ask that is best-suited to your organisation. We would love to work with you to investigate what this might be—to get in touch with us, comment on this post, reach to me on LinkedIn or email, or go to our website. #animalwelfare #animaladvocacy #animalrights #farmanimalwelfare #animalscience #research #effectivealtruism #EAGLondon
We are beyond excited to present to you our latest report, which we hope will be of help from many groups and animal advocates: Animal welfare in the United States: Opportunities for impact. From the Summary: "In this report, we give an overview of animal production in the United States. We explore which industries are responsible for the largest amount of animal exploitation in the United States. We touch on all major farmed and wild-caught sectors in the country, before taking a deeper look at egg production and chicken meat production. Looking at how animal production is clustered by state and county, we point out where there are opportunities for animal advocacy organisations to make the biggest impact on the lives of animals. We also provide an overview of the economic forces that determine how animals are farmed and killed, which can help us to understand whether any given campaign will deliver the impact that we intend." ----- We want to help you! Are you an animal advocacy organisation seeking to conduct a high-impact campaign? We would love to work with you—like the insights in this report, we can provide detailed, specific analysis for the campaigns that your organisation is interested in. This is an initial scoping report, and we have only scratched the surface. We can inform the choice of campaign to empower your organisation to do the most good for animals. ----- #animalwelfare #animaladvocacy #farmanimals #animalscience #effectivealtruism #farmanimalwelfare #EAGLondon #poultry #eggs