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Policy Analyst | Communications Specialist at The Council of State Governments

The #Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission will receive a federal Consolidated Rail Infrastructure & Safety Improvements grant to advance planning work for the long-term development of a regional Midwestern #passengerrail network. In late October, the Federal Railroad Administration announced it will award up to $1.84 million from the CRISI program’s fiscal year 2023-24 funding to “Invest Midwest: The Future of Midwest Passenger Rail-Phase 1” – a MIPRC-led project that will advance and expand the regional network vision proposed by the FRA’s 2021 Midwest Regional Rail Plan, Corridor Identification & Development Program projects, and routes suggested by the FRA's Long Distance Study & Amtrak's Connects US plan. Read more about MIPRC's grant, and others in MIPRC member states here:
