It's Computer Science Education Week! This week, we join others as we focus on encouraging K-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equitable opportunities, and celebrate contributions to the field. Learn more at And, help inspire future computer scientists by supporting JerseySTEM! #CSEdWeek #FutureComputerScientists #girlsinSTEM #girlswhocode
Welcome to our official celebration of Computer Science Education Week, an annual call to action to inspire all K-12 students to learn computer science and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field. ?? ?? In this new WestEd Q&A, Dr. Aleata Hubbard Cheuoua, Senior Research Scientist on our Learning and Technology team, and Dr. DaQuan Bashir, Research & Innovation Consultant for the Computer Science Teachers Association, explore why robust CS ed is so vital for today’s students and what teachers need to know about CS ed: #CSEdWeek #LearningTechnology #ComputerScienceEducation
Equitable access to computer science education is essential in the digital age. #CSTAEquityFellow Leah L. Aiwohi shares the challenges and solutions for creating a more inclusive CS education landscape. Discover the challenges and how we can create a more inclusive future here:
?Next week is Computer Science Education Week! ???? From December 9th to 15th, this annual call to action inspires K-12 students to explore computer science, advocates for equity in education, and celebrates the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field. ?? Here are some quick facts about computer science: ?? The first computer programmer was Ada Lovelace, who worked on algorithms for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine in the 1800s. ??Computer science is a growing field, with job opportunities projected to increase significantly over the next decade. ??It impacts every industry you can think of—healthcare, manufacturing, entertainment, and more. The week is all about inspiring students to explore computer science and highlighting the importance of equitable access to CS education.
?? It's Computer Science Education Week! This annual celebration inspires K-12 students to explore computer science, promotes equity, and recognizes educators and students advancing the field. Join the movement by trying an Hour of Code, learning about CS Heroes, and engaging with CS activities. Explore more: #CSEdWeek #HourOfCode #ComputerScience
Learn more about Computer Science Education Week #CSEdWeek! Find resources and events below!
It's Computer Science Education Week #CSEdWeek! There are great events taking place across the country to inspire K-12 students to learn CS, advocate for equity, & celebrate those teachers and students who are leading the way! ??? Learn more here--> #ConnectedNation
National Computer Science Education Week kicks off—a powerful reminder of how coding can transform lives, just like it did for Tonya. Teachers, let’s inspire the next generation of innovators—start here with resources to ignite your classrooms?
National Computer Science Education Week Kicks Off In The Next Few Days- Listen to Tonya's Impact Story! And TEACHERS, here are some resources to get your classroom started:
Computer Science Education Week | Teacher Impact Story - Tonya
"Roughly 20% of high schools on Native American reservations offer computer science classes, a prime contributor to poor Native representation in technology-oriented careers, according to the report. In total, only 59% of Native students attend schools offering computer science classes."
"Roughly 20% of high schools on Native American reservations offer computer science classes, a prime contributor to poor Native representation in technology-oriented careers, according to the report. In total, only 59% of Native students attend schools offering computer science classes."
According to the Computer Science Teachers Association, Computer Science Education Week is a call to action to inspire K-12 students to learn Computer Science, advocate for equity, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field. It invites students of all ages to dive into computer science, highlighting the importance of computational thinking, creativity, and problem-solving in preparing for the tech-driven world ahead. This year's theme is "Looking Back, Leaping Forward," signals a time to honor past achievements while inspiring the next generation to leap forward into new possibilities.
???? It's Computer Science Education Week! Let's celebrate the tech innovators of tomorrow. How are you incorporating tech into your daily life or business? Share your stories and let's inspire each other! #CSEdWeek #FutureTech #ComputerScience #Education