The sexual assault of Lincoln started when Officer Neil Dolan would close and lock his door. The abuse continued for almost two years. Lincoln suffered with PTSD and thoughts of suicide, but has made progress with his mental health with the support of his family.
Jeff Anderson & Associates的动态
What does this mean? Many system impacted women have experienced significant trauma before their incarceration, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. This trauma often contributes to mental health issues, substance abuse, and behaviors that can lead to criminal activity. The criminal justice system frequently fails to address the underlying causes of criminal behavior, particularly for women. Those who have experienced trauma may not receive adequate support or treatment, perpetuating a cycle of victimization and incarceration. Proactive acts can change the way the system operates. #Change #SystemImpacted #womenempowerment #womeninspiringwomen #Reform ??????????
Gaslighting! Gaslighting is mind manipulation. This is a form of emotional abuse and emotional abuse, is domestic abuse. Emotional abuse is bad behavior. Bad behavior is bad behavior and you cannot be explained away! It causes real and serious psychological harm to victims. These types of abusers can take the form of an impostor, they engage in menacing behaviors including unwanted physical contact; and intentional torment and covert harassment; technology abuse; stalking and surveillance; pathological lying; playing the victim card; blame shifting; justification and minimization of chaos created and harm inflicted; extortion and financial abuse; mind games; and lies, lies and more lies! This is emotional torture! Real suffering is experienced. is here for victims of these kinds of abuse.
Healing from child sexual abuse (CSA) is a complex and deeply personal process. The trauma inflicted by such abuse can have long-lasting effects on an individual's emotional, psychological, and even physical well-being. Therapy plays a vital role in helping survivors address the many layers of pain and trauma, offering tools for healing, coping, and reclaiming a sense of control over one’s life. Therapy plays a vital role in helping survivors address the many layers of pain and trauma, offering tools for healing, coping, and reclaiming a sense of control over one’s life. #childsexualabuse #sexualabuse #adultsexualabuse #Healing #trauma #Psychotherapy #Psychosexualtherapy
September is also Recovery Month. Studies show a 25-30% addiction rate among police officers. I know, both through personal experience and current research, that there is a correlation between PTSD and Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD). Agencies must acknowledge that SUD is an issue; statistically, you will have members suffering and need to have confidential resources available. Recovery is possible, and SUD should not be a career-ender. If you are suffering, seek help. Asking for help will be the strongest thing you can do today. Here is a great short video from an officer who did get help.
Police Officer Alcoholism & Recovery | First Responder Mental Health
Psychological factors play a significant role in the prevalence of drug abuse, which can lead to drug-related criminal activity. Mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, often coexist with substance abuse. People with untreated mental health conditions may turn to drugs as a form of self-medication, attempting to alleviate their symptoms. This behavior might include possessing, distributing, or manufacturing illegal substances. Recognizing these underlying psychological factors helps defense attorneys provide their clients with the most effective representation and advocate for alternatives to incarceration, such as treatment programs that address the root causes of the problem. Defense attorneys must consider the presence of a mental illness when building a case, as it can influence the charges and the sentencing. To help their clients stay out of jail and get the treatment they really need, an effective criminal defense attorney must advocate for mental health support to alleviate their client’s underlying issues. Read more: . #WerksmanJacksonandQuinn #CriminalLaw #LALawyers #LosAngelesLawyer #CriminalDefense #CriminalJustice #Prison #Criminal #CriminalJusticeReform #Court
Women cheat just like men do. They have secret addictions; they medicate past wounds and traumas just like men do. Men and women need help addressing these issues and developing a plan to move past them. My team of counselors has decades of experience helping people find lasting freedom. Call 719-278-3708 to get started today. #healing #addiction #infidelity #sexaddictiontherapy
Hampton Trust highlighting the important impact of ACES. Research postulates the link between ACES and the intergenerational transmission of violence and abuse. Studies have shown that there is a cumulative impact of ACEs. Compared to someone with no ACEs, someone with 4 or more is: ? 16 times more likely to perpetrate violence ? 20 times more likely to be incarcerated at some point in their lifetime ? 4 times more likely to be a high-risk drinker ? 6 times more likely to have ever received treatment for mental illness Many of those committing domestic abuse and violence will have experienced violence, neglect and maltreatment themselves as children. Without intervention, they will pass their attitudes and behaviour on to the next generation. #DomesticAbuse #EndVAWG #WhiteRibbonDay #TheChangeProject #Change #DomesticViolenceAwareness #EmotionalAbuse #Abuse #Narcissisticabuse #survivor #gaslighting #toxicrelationships #mentalhealth #trauma #healing #women #manipulation #abusiverelationship #metoo #abusesurvivor #psychologicalabuse #VAWG #calltoaction #16daysofaction
Studies have shown that there is a cumulative impact of ACEs. Compared to someone with no ACEs, someone with 4 or more is: ? 16 times more likely to perpetrate violence ? 20 times more likely to be incarcerated at some point in their lifetime ? 4 times more likely to be a high-risk drinker ? 6 times more likely to have ever received treatment for mental illness Many of those committing domestic abuse and violence will have experienced violence, neglect and maltreatment themselves as children. Without intervention, they will pass their attitudes and behaviour on to the next generation. #16Days #DARE
The topic of substance abuse is delicate and particular from family to family. However, it's an important element of estate planning for families with a history of substance abuse. This takes care and intricate, private discussion and planning to protect and prepare. #WilmarthPrivateWealthManagement #FinancialAdvisorMelbourneFL #RaymondJamesMelbourneFL #FinancialPlannerMelbourneFL #WealthmanagementMelbourneFL
Child sexual abuse is a risk factor for the development of a range of mood disorders and emotional problems, including anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and substance use or abuse. National Survivors’ Day acknowledges the profound harm caused to Survivors by sexual assault and institutional abuse, with an aim to improve responses to Survivors’ experiences. Understanding the complexities of disclosures of sexual abuse, and how to respond in practice, is crucial to improving outcomes for survivors of abuse of all ages. Read the full short article here: #everyvoice #survivor #abuse #mistreatment
Professor || HEOR Scientist || Statistical Editor || Strength Coach || Epidemiology/Biostatistics/Nutrition/Obesity
6 个月Very courageous! Thank you for sharing this story, and thank you for your hard work.