Are you a senior level Title Professional with QC experience? Step into a role where your advanced expertise is not only recognized but celebrated in a company shaped by seasoned title professionals. Join us, and play a role in keeping standards high.
JCW Title, LLC的动态
Is it better to have a NCR from your own QC Manager or team or the client. I think it shows the client that your own QC Manager and team are doing their job if it comes from your own QC team on-site. After all it’s your company’s QMS or site procedures for that job that have been agreed and signed off and accepted by all? What Do you Think
Is it better to have a NCR from your own QC Manager or team or the client. I think it shows the client that your own QC Manager and team are doing their job if it comes from your own QC team on-site. After all it’s your company’s QMS or site procedures for that job that have been agreed and signed off and accepted by all?
Me: "Can we prevent issues this time?" QA: "That's the plan!" QC: "Plans change." Every project has this delicate balance: trying to prevent issues upfront while preparing to catch any that slip through. Quality Assurance (QA) is your first line of defense. It's about designing processes to stop mistakes before they even have a chance. Quality Control (QC) is the safety net, ensuring the final product is error-free. Both are essential to delivering quality. Want to see how they work together to ensure flawless results? Swipe through the carousel to learn more.
Have not been able to post in the last while but back at it again! Our team has been busy do investigations, vetting, and some QA/QC work for a valued client. Do you ever have head scratchers and wonder what went wrong? Well, we just finished some investigations and came to conclusions! The great thing is we get to find the problem, correct it, implement new procedures or equipment and make things better! Our client after experiencing issue after issue on a multi well pad asked if we could find the problem and come up with a solution. We did! Through our comprehensive QA/QC procedures we were able to find a solution. The next pad we had zero Non Productive Time (NPT) saving the client time and money. If you have a head scratcher that you can not solve or do not have the time to look into, message me to find out how we can help!
Quality assurance and control (QA/QC) in the field on cloudy, rainy days can be quite the challenge. One clever tip I rely on is laminating the blasting plan paperwork or invest on a waterproof case to use the O-PitApp, to ensure it remains intact despite the weather’s whims. But here’s the real question: How do you guys tackle QA/QC in those less-than-ideal conditions? Share your secrets! #FieldChallenges #BlastingPlanProtection #InnovativeMethods
Specifying quality control tests and their acceptance criteria requires a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and, in doing so, the Specifier should consider that a good practice is always context dependent.
I came across these two easy to understand definitions of the two most confused terminology in QA and QC.