It's conference season, and that means it's time for conference speeches. Speaking at a conference is an exciting?opportunity, and there are a few things you should take into consideration before you take the stage. First, an invitation to speak at a conference is not an invitation to say whatever you want. Your audience is interested in what you have to say for a reason, so make sure to focus your speech on information and stories which will be helpful to them. Next, you can gain or lose your audience in the first 30 seconds of your speech. Consider?starting with a witty anecdote, shocking statistic?or rhetorical question to draw your audience in right away. Finally, be mindful of your eye contact. It's okay to bring notes, or even a script, up to the podium, but don't get too lost in reading. It helps to pick three points in the room, one on the left, one in the middle, and one on the right, and use those as your eye contact anchor points so everyone feels like they're being addressed At Jaffe Communications, we're here to help you in every step of the speech-making process, from the writing all the way to the delivery. So if you're feeling those pre-speech jitters, give us a call today. #prtips #conferencetips #conferenceseason #keynote