I would like to see the networks change the way they release their shows. For example, if someone has a cable subscription, they should get access to the associated streaming apps, Disney +, Paramount +, etc. Then, Disney releases a new show and instead of releasing it only on streaming, or on both mediums simultaneously, the show airs exclusively on linear TV for a certain amount of time, say two months. After that, it becomes available on Disney +. So basically using linear TV as a window into streaming. Streaming would be their online rental service for shows that have already aired. Similar to how movies used to be released only in theaters for a limited time, then become available on Blu Ray and streaming. The direct to streaming model isn't working for the legacy networks, so maybe taking a step backwards is the best way to go. Why reinvent the wheel? I also believe there will be a return to making high quality TV with amazing storytelling, out of necessity. Taylor Sheridan is leading the way right now. I could be wrong and I've never been a network exec, but these are just my thoughts.
?? When it comes to the future of Television, as Missy would say… “Is it worth it? Let me work it I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it”