Students are heading back to class, and many will need to take medication during school hours. ISMP’s consumer website outlines steps parents can take to reduce the risk of medication errors: #medicationsafety #medsafety #patientsafety #medicationerrors #pharmacist #hospitals #nurses #schoolnurses ECRI
Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)的动态
An important topic that was just covered in Pharmacist’s Letter - preventing errors with back-to-school meds. Check out tips from ISMP for parents below, and tips for pharmacists here:
Students are heading back to class, and many will need to take medication during school hours. ISMP’s consumer website outlines steps parents can take to reduce the risk of medication errors: #medicationsafety #medsafety #patientsafety #medicationerrors #pharmacist #hospitals #nurses #schoolnurses ECRI
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, UltraSAFE is the solution you need for your Operating Room to keep nurses safe and free from formalin exposure! It truly is the best way to eliminate costly spills and dangerous exposures to toxic carcinogen formalin. Need we say more?? #OperatingRoom #NurseSafety #Nurses
Drug charts empower nurses to navigate medication management with confidence, keeping patients safe and treatment plans on target. So next time you see a drug chart, remember, it is not just paperwork; it is a promise of safety and quality care. #skillsformed #drugcharts #nurses
Nurses -- Did you know that the ?????????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????? ?????? ???????????? (??) ???? ?????? ???????? 157 ??????????? This intriguing fact highlights the importance of ensuring our practice is grounded in current evidence. The shift suggests a potential risk of underrecognizing and undertreating elevated temperatures in our patients. What other evidence may not be widely known by all practicing nurses? Comment below! #knowyourevidence #nursing #ebp
Accurate documentation is vital for top-notch patient care. Despite varying methods, its purpose is to provide a clear picture of nursing care given. It ensures continuity of care, enhances patient safety, offers legal protection and supports clinical decisions. Let us document the right way, every time. #skillsformed #documentation #nurses
Nursing Drug Handbook Quiz! Test your knowledge of drugs and drug administration with questions from the #1 drug guide for nurses. #NursingQuiz #Nurses
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PEG TUBE &NG TUBE Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a feeding tube. It's placed through the skin by an opening created in the stomach. We do this with the help of an endoscope to see where to place the feeding tube in the stomach wall. A nasogastric tube[NG] is a thin, soft tube that goes in through the nose, down the throat, and into the stomach #Nursingstudents #BSN #Healthcare #Hospital #Lpn #Medicine #Paramedicals #Nurses #Practitioners
Our July 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are out NOW! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our comments below to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed right to you every month! #newsletters #PlatinumEducationalGroup #EMS #Nursing #AlliedHealth
Get ready for the summer season by using this respiratory illness word search to engage and educate your nursing home residents. There is also a summer respiratory crossword puzzle available at The answer key is provided below in the comments. #nursinghomes?#nurses?#DONs?#administrators?#LongTermCare?#crosswordpuzzle?#respiratoryhealth?#respiratoryillness