Read this article about Tyree Wallace, 46, who spent 24 years behind bars for a crime he says he didn't commit. He walked free on Monday after his murder conviction was vacated: Rutgers professor John Hulme, whose students advocated for Wallace, said Wallace has had a huge impact on him as well. "Here is the happy ending we've been waiting for," Hulme said. #RutgersExcellence
The Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice的动态
go get them
Owner, Law Enforcement Today, Blue Lives Matter and The Police Tribune. CEO, The Silent Partner Marketing. Serial entrepreneur. Christian conservative. Keynote speaker.
HE'S BACK and he's ON FIRE! Steve Bannon made it crystal clear that Nancy Pelosi will never break him, and he's calling on the American people to rush to the polls and vote. REPOST and amplify his voice!! "Nancy Pelosi sent me to a federal prison... she wanted to break me." "Nancy Pelosi, take out your number two pencil and write this down... We're gonna deliver a knockout blow to your progressive insanity on November 5th." "And then we're gonna secure the deal after that. The four months in federal prison not only didn't break me, it empowered me." "I am more energized and more focused than I've ever been in my entire life." #thinblueline #lawenforcement
The Fourth of July reminds all Americans that freedom comes at a cost — and often with a fight. The founders of this country gave what they could to pursue a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities. But this fight continues today in the courtroom, where attorneys work tirelessly to safeguard the rights of Americans across the country. And for Ahmad & Nolan Defense, the Fourth of July is a call to protect the freedoms of our clients who are charged with criminal offenses in Wisconsin. Your rights as an American are precious, and we are committed to defending them in the courtroom — no matter how difficult or complex your case is. Call us to schedule a consultation today. ???? #AhmadNolanDefense #CriminalDefenseTeam #FelonyCases #WisconsinLawyers #DefenseAttorneys #LawyerLife #LegalSuccess #TrialLawyers #MilwaukeeLawyers #WisconsinLegal #PersonalizedRepresentation #DUILegalTeam #FederalCrimeDefense #MisdemeanorLawyers #InnocentUntilProvenGuilty #CriminalJustice #LegalRepresentation #JusticeServed
The Big Surge - Too Big To Rig - has to be the in-person vote on November 5. There is now too much tampering with, and fraudulent behavior impugning the Mail-In vote, with the exception of Absentee Ballot submission by mail that is verifiable and sent to a specifically identified person and address. This increased tampering is now evident in several key states - so hold your voting power and show up in massive volume at the polls on Election day - to cast your vote in a secure way that can be properly tabulated for results that day - as specified in the Constitution.
Owner, Law Enforcement Today, Blue Lives Matter and The Police Tribune. CEO, The Silent Partner Marketing. Serial entrepreneur. Christian conservative. Keynote speaker.
HE'S BACK and he's ON FIRE! Steve Bannon made it crystal clear that Nancy Pelosi will never break him, and he's calling on the American people to rush to the polls and vote. REPOST and amplify his voice!! "Nancy Pelosi sent me to a federal prison... she wanted to break me." "Nancy Pelosi, take out your number two pencil and write this down... We're gonna deliver a knockout blow to your progressive insanity on November 5th." "And then we're gonna secure the deal after that. The four months in federal prison not only didn't break me, it empowered me." "I am more energized and more focused than I've ever been in my entire life." #thinblueline #lawenforcement
What if the claim that the United States' criminal justice system is systemically racist was so thoroughly debunked that the great majority of Americans came to see those perpetuating that claim as unworthy of public office or even public consideration in policy discussions? How many George-Soros-funded big city prosecutors would survive politically? How quickly would the de facto decriminalization of crimes like retail theft or the elimination of cash bail for violent criminals be reversed? How many crime victims could be spared? How many lives might be saved? Perhaps these are some of the questions two Stetson University professors had in mind when they embarked upon a review of some 51 studies on sentencing disparities between the years 2005 and 2022. I speak with one of them, Stetson U Psych Prof. Chris Ferguson, on this episode of Counterculture.
Our Justice System is Failing Its People
The case of Kyle Rittenhouse is such a roller coaster of an example of how difficult it is to ascertain #truth regarding contentious matters, how #fluid #facts can seem, and how easily our #understanding can be influenced by #confirmation #bias and #narratives. This guy has gone from being a #pariah to being a #hero to being a #douchebag where even the people who were helping him have washed their hands of him. Even after a public #trial and years for the dust to settle, we still can't easily figure out what exactly happened the night he shot people because there's so much #divisiveness, #polarization, lack of #calmness, and a high noise-to-signal ratio on the whole topic. Read these threads. They are #fascinating examples of how hard it is to discern what is #fact, what is #fiction, and what is #opinion. How can I as an outsider know which are which? This is the #complexity regarding a contentious situation that happened years ago with much #media attention and a proper #trial in a US #court of #law. How is anyone supposed to make sense of even more controversial things happening in #war zones in real-time? I'm convinced more and more that I can't easily pass #judgment in real-time about anything, and maybe still can't even after years pass. But... is it possible to live in this world without making any judgments at all? #misinformation #disinformation #malinformation #falseinformation #rumours #rumors
Rather than reimagining policing we need to reimagine and reform government and policing’s oversight. Let’s return to common sense and practical wisdom!
Kudos to the NY Post for telling it like it is — a city and state that have been abandoned by much of their political leadership. They spend more time passing laws to defend the lawless and not enough to protect the innocent.
Rest in peace, Officer Jonathan Diller —and wake up, NY progressives
Unjust Enrichment claims are often brought when litigating failed ERP and digital transformation projects. These claims can offer an additional means to recover damages for customers who have been victimized by an ERP failure. I'm excited to have been invited to speak about the legal nuances of these types of claims. I've shared the webinar registration details below.
Taft Chicago partner Marcus Harris will speak on “Resurgence of Unjust Enrichment Claims: Pleading, Proof, Defenses; Measure of Recovery, Innocent Defendants” during the Strafford CLE webinar on May 7. For more information:
????US Army 12B/CEO of TopGun Military Contractors LLC/Owner of The Republican Patriots Coalition/Freedom Fighter/Wounded Warrior/Drone Pilot/Combat Veteran! My views, beliefs and opinions, belong to me! Hooah!???? ??
Don’t worry Joe, we haven’t forgotten about your Crimes against America! You will meet justice whether that happens here or on judgement day, you will be served Justice! ??