Today the National Endowment for the Arts' Research Director, Sunil Iyengar, blogs about I/O's recent work on recommending codes for artists for the revision to the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification system. Check it out here and here
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Today is Human Rights Day, marking 76 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted. This year’s theme, “Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now,” emphasizes the transformative power of human rights in building a peaceful, equal, and sustainable future. Learn more and take action: #HumanRightsDay #OurRightsOurFuture #UDHR
This is a pivotal moment for human rights at work in light of emerging risks to workers like climate change, the evolution of mandatory human rights due diligence regime, and rapid advances in artificial intelligence. The future of fair labor depends on how we respond today. That’s why I’m excited to be joining the Fair Labor Association for a panel on October 22 to share my vision of a #FairLaborFuture and dive into opportunities for innovation amid all these changes alongside Dorothee Baumann-Pauly, Sue Butterworth, Mackenzie Mock and ?mer OKTAY. #FairLaborFuture #decentworkforall #corporateaccountability #labourrights #supplychainresponsibility #workersrights #fairlabor #cividepindia #sustainablebusiness #humanrights #cividep
Today marks 76 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).?The UDHR is a set of global standards to protect the freedom, equality and justice for individuals around the world. At its core, human rights set standards for how we respect and treat one another, laying the foundation for constructive dialogue. Principles like the rule of law and personal freedoms—such as the right to choose your place of work, field of study, or voting preference—are examples of reinforcing these rights. They reflect shared values of understanding others, empathy for differences, and enabling spaces where people can connect and build common ground. By embracing these values, negotiations are a powerful tool for understanding those around us, and?advancing human rights worldwide. Learn more about our approach to dialogue and negotiations here: #HumanRightsDay #Negotiations #Dialogue #EmpathyInAction #&fluence #menselijkrecht #MensenrechtenDag #RuleOfLaw #HumanRights #UDHR Photo Credits: Title: How Not To Start Off A Negotiation Process? By: Harley Schwadron Date:?September 12th 2024
UDHR: The UDHR primarily focuses on individual rights without explicitly linking them to corresponding responsibilities or duties. While it promotes civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights, it does not inherently emphasize the importance of fulfilling obligations toward others, which can lead to an imbalance in how rights are understood and exercised.
Part 5 of the BHR Journal Blog Symposium includes a jewel of an essay from the marvelous Barnali Choudhury on the situation in Canada--a quite interesting expression of the periphery that is distinct from those presented in the situation in Taiwan, Australia, and the Western Balkans. Building on each other, though, they begin to suggest that the unifying narratives of business and human rights that appear solid from a distance reveal much more complex and dynamic aggregations of sub-narrative flows, the movements of which may eventually change what one sees from a greater distance (say in Geneva), even as the power of the aggregated master narratives affects its components parts. Choudhury provides a quite interesting angle of these conversations--one that suggests the power of regional manifestations of global master narrative. In this case, in a state on the peripheries of two giants with increasingly distinct manifestations of and control over master human rights narratives--the European Union and the United States. The way Canada navigates between the two suggests the contours of and the flexibility built into the current framework of business and Human Rights built into instruments like the UNGP. Those narrative source documents produce a space for margins of appreciation which are then filled by politics within guard rails. But the human rights framework does not mandate a particular economic system, nor does it suggest the inevitable form of interactions between state policy and private conduct. It suggests only the fundamental premises within which those relationships might be manifested in dynamic communities. Choudhury makes a strong case for that choice in Canada, even as the Canadian political apparatus appears to have leaned toward another. And yet neither choice is inevitable nor necessarily permanent. For academic elites, civil society and pother political actors, that presents an opportunity both to guide policy through the development of knowledge basis for discussion, and to lend their support to one choice or another consist either with their vision or the political realities or preferences of the regulatory community . #ungp #canada #derechoshumanos #humanrights Barnali Choudhury Symposium on Business and Human Rights (BHR) Regulatory Initiatives Outside Europe: Part 5: Barnali Choudhury--"BHR Developments in Canada: Targeting Low Hanging Fruit"
"Business and human rights (BHR) research is at a critical juncture, and this prescient Research Agenda illustrates the many nuances of historical, current, and future BHR scholarship. This volume includes chapters about relevant, pressing BHR issues; voices from practitioners; and pithy contributions from leading scholars and policymakers in the field about the future of BHR advocacy, practice, and scholarship. Utilising diverse interdisciplinary lenses, scholars and practitioners assess the many shifts and challenges BHR obligations present to traditional business operations and strategies."
In a recent article in The Mandarin, Dan Holmes draws the logical connection between the Australian Public Service (APS) needing to consult in more meaningful ways and the potential positive impacts on citizen participation and policy making that come from deliberative democracy.? At Converlens we believe that there are steps that the APS can take now to promote greater engagement that are consistent with a move towards different forms of deliberative democracy, and technology will play a part. Holmes draws our attention to the call from Government Minister Bill Shorten for more meaningful engagement from the public service.? Shorten tells us that “Consultation at early stages just saves tears later. If we don’t seek diverse views we have a narrow policy base creating policy that reflects the last problem, not future challenges,”.? Holmes explains that part of the challenge lies in fostering two way communication, where APS communication teams, rightly, are more geared towards one way communication or messaging.? He looks for solutions to this problem in the work of Sociology Professor Nicole Curato from the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra. Professor Curato is a strong advocate for the use of deliberation in the form of citizen assemblies “in the way that consultation and accountability are pursued in the public service”.? She points to the work of the OECD in the report “Catching the Deliberative Wave” to demonstrate that these forms of deliberation work and their adoption is growing. At Converlens we are strong supporters of the greater use of deliberation in the development of public policy.? We see deliberation as a continuum with forms of dialogue at one end and more formal,highly rules based process,like citizens juries at the other end. In some respects Minister Shorten and Holmes are calling for the APS to undertake, at least in the first instance, greater dialogue, a two way exchange. The challenge here, is that dialogue implies a willingness to hear and understand what people are thinking and feeling, and we would argue that this requires you to allow participants to express their views in their own words.? From a practical point of view this means you are going to have to get used to dealing with a lot of qualitative data. The challenge of dealing with qualitative data when engaging the public is why we at Converlens have developed a set of cutting edge tools that will allow you to collect, analyse and manage large volumes of qualitative data. This not only means that APS communication teams, using these tools, will be better equipped to engage in meaningful dialogue with citizens, it also has the potential to scale (and potentially institutionalise) more formal forms of deliberation, such as those that are of interest to Professor Curato. ?#deliberation #qualitativedata #government #datainsights
?? LISTEN: PPIC's Tess Thorman talks with CapRadio about occupational segregation, the negative impacts it can have on wages and job opportunities, and how policy might be able to provide some solutions ?? Read our full analysis ??
???? The King’s Speech, which took place last week, established the formation of our new government and outlined the priorities of the Labour Party and how they intend to govern; with workers' rights at the forefront. So, what changes can we expect to see in the coming months? Find out in our latest blog post! #thekingsspeech #government #legislation #peoplemanagement #hr #humanresources #employmentlaw
I have an issue on the framing of the headline in this article, notwithstanding it brings up an important point about how accent bias affects workplace practices. Migrant and working-class job seekers can face challenges of needing to adapt their speech, or adapting to the lingo. The onus should also be on organisations to fix a rampant and systemic problem. Perhaps this is more pronounced in Britain, where 69% of Conservative Party MPs spoke "Received Pronunciation" which is suggested to be the most prestigious in the UK. However, less than 10% of the population speak RP. In fact, Accent Bias Britain was set up in 2017 to investigate the growing concern. There are also some employers asking for accent bias training, which is pleasing. It goes back to the organisation. Discrimination and unconscious bias - perhaps firms must do more to address and training staff on these, before setting inclusion targets that lack substance.