Great Resource: "?For babies and toddlers, simple, playful interactions with adults help develop sturdy?brain architecture, the?foundations of lifelong health, and the building blocks of?resilience. Through games and playful activities, children can practice and strengthen important?executive function?skills that will help them throughout their lives, including learning to focus their attention, strengthening their working memory, and developing basic self-control."
Juelie Perry-Schwartz的动态
Senior CR&D Project Manager and Materials Data Scientist. Materials Informatics is the solution for the Digital Transformation in Materials R&D.
I just read an insightful paper on a new multi-criteria decision-making approach for selecting materials and manufacturing processes for toys designed for children with autism. This research is using Ansys Granta Edupack software, and is highlighting some human-product interactions. #Ansys #Materials #EduPack #Autism #Design #MaterialSelection. Here the link to acces the paper:
A new multi-criteria decision-making approach for the design and selection of materials and manufacturing processes of toys for children with autism
Back-To-School Resources! Let’s take a quick dive into Module One: "Return to School" of the online course, "In the Classroom after Concussion." Recovery from brain injury is a long and uncertain process. As a part of your student’s school team, you play a critical role in fostering a smooth transition and school success. Lesson one of the module is called, "How is Brain Injury Different from Other Disabilities?"?This lesson provides a quick overview of how brain injuries are different from other types of disabilities and injuries, as well as, an in depth explanation of the differences on what make each brain injury unique. Lesson two, "Return to School After Concussion" describes the process of successfully bringing a student back to school once they have acquired a brain injury. Throughout the online course you will have a mix of case studies, outlines, written descriptions/notes, quick check-ins with questions that give you feedback immediately and videos, that will allow you to get an understanding of the topics discussed within the module and connecting sections. Check out the full course here: Like and follow CBIRT as we begin the back-to-school resources posts. We continue looking at the remaining 7 modules!
ACER is leading an exciting new project to develop a national tool to understand children’s learning and development and to support preschool teachers’ and educators’ professional learning and practice. ‘...we are developing tools that will make it easier for educators to monitor children’s progress and to talk to their peers and with families in a common language of learning,’ ACER Senior Research Fellow Dan Cloney said.? The new tools to be trialled will include formative assessment mechanisms based on authentic interactions between adults and children - as individuals and in small groups - to develop evidence of what children can do. These approaches are consistent with play-based approaches used in early childhood settings and will help educators to identify children’s strengths and to respond where extra support is needed.
Extreme Heat Affects Early Childhood Development and Health – This working paper acknowledges that heat is “just one component of a set of interrelated conditions that affect how children’s bodies and brains develop.” Access this document to get a summary of current knowledge about how heat impacts developing biological systems at #childdevelopment #health #extremeheat #Harvard #harvardcenter #arcnv
Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
Discover the motor, cognitive, language, and social-emotional benefits of puzzle play. In this brief article, Illinois Early Learning shares five ways puzzle play promotes your child's development and readiness.
Five Things Children Gain from Puzzle Play | Illinois Early Learning Project
Students are now well into the fourth “normal” school year post pandemic, but so many of us are seeing that our kids are still struggling. Struggling with their mental health, with their connection to school, and with finding reasons to feel hopeful. In this edition of Futurist, KID Museum Founder and CEO Cara Lesser examines the ways we can help students go beyond academic recovery and find ways to thrive again. In the programs we offer at KID, we focus on learning that allows for choice and self-direction, helps students see the purpose and relevance of their studies, and builds confidence. We see everyday the difference it makes for students. Read more here:
Read our article “The Business of Fizziness (Regulate or Activate)” in the latest edition of SEN Magazine.
The brand new issue of the UK’s leading Special Educational Needs Magazine. March/April 2024 Issue 129 In this issue: Labelling autism, Fizziness, Post-16 employment, Braille, Artificial intelligence, SEN and the Arts, Down's syndrome, Restraint, SEND analytics, Inclusive playgrounds, Behaviour, Neurodiverse classrooms, Modular school buildings, News, Book reviews, What's New, CPD & Events, Resources and much more #Labellingautism #Fizziness #Post16employment #Braille #Artificialintelligence #SENandtheArts #Downssyndrome #Restraint #SENDanalytics #Inclusiveplaygrounds #Behaviour #Neurodiverseclassrooms #Modularschoolbuildings #News #Bookreviews #WhatsNew #CPDandEvents #Resources
Resource Share! Are you preparing for a meeting on accommodations for a student with a brain injury? Students with brain injuries can experience challenges in the following areas: Environment Method of Instruction Behavioral Needs Assistive Technology Transitions Memory Deficits Visual Spatial Deficits Gross Motor/Mobility Difficulties Attention Organizational Skills? Academic Progress Fine Motor Difficulties Curriculum Fatigue? Processing Delays Other Considerations: home/school relations? Disability Awareness The Return to School Project has created resources to help educators and parents as they are look at possible accommodations for students experiencing a brain injury. The image shows the categories to consider, for the full document click on the following link:? View other resources from the Return to School project by clicking on the following link:
5 helpful tips to get your child ready for the new school year:
Back-to-School: 5 Tips to Get Your Autistic Child Ready for the Year
Yesterday at ISA, we hosted a parent education session "Tweens, Teens, and Technology: what we know and need to know about the teen brain and technology" Using some of the findings from Jonathan Haidt's book "The Anxious Generation" it was interesting to see the overlap between his book and the common 'issues' families are seeing at home with their teenagers. (see image) This was coupled with advisory lesson in high school asking students to reflect on their weekly screen time, and which apps are the most addictive for them; and the key questions "what are you getting out of this screen time?" or "what other activities that bring you joy could you be doing during those hours?" Some of their reflections have been very interesting. Meanwhile, for the parents, we hoped to provide some strategies for opening a dialogue with their teen about what is a reasonable and healthy amount of screen time.