Expand AD audiences with Easier-to-Understand AD??
#Innovation in AD Research #E2U
New audiences other than the blind could benefit from easier to hear and understand audio description: the elderly, children, people with learning and reading difficulties, non-native speakers, people with limited literacy.?
In fact, AD has proven collateral benefits in: Learning content and languages, Increasing end-user attention and comprehension.
Easy-to-understand AD (or E2U) prioritizes cognitive accessibility and focuses on avoiding overload and loss of coherence in descriptions. Its purpose is to: - facilitate information processing and improve the cognitive accessibility of texts.?
- Provide high quality, personalized, easy-to-hear and enhanced audio description to provide the end-user with a high quality service that meets their needs and expectations.
So, how to create an easier AD?
E2U AD guidelines are based on four types of guidelines: AD and Easy-to-read guidelines, W3C and Sound mixing guidelines.
?Step 1: Think before writing?
Identify inaccessible or challenging content for the audiences.
Consider all paratextual, linguistic, and global recommendations to ensure robust content coherence and operability in AD service-related.
Explain the purpose of a service so that users can benefit from personalization options.
?Step 2. Writing an easy-to-understand script
Text elaboration → Key words: Repetition + Explicitness.
Repeat important Info, explain the subject, explain difficult words, and use examples to explain things.?
Be sure to explicit the setting or changes in the spatio-temporal setting;
Give only important information;
"Anchoring" elements : Important info may be repeated vocally in AD; less important info may be excluded to avoid cognitive overload.
Text Simplification → Complexity Reduction
No relative clauses, only short sentences; positive sentences; no passive;?
logical and chronological order?
Group information related to the same topic?
Use pronouns only when the subject is clear
Easy to understand and pronounce?
Use familiar words (no figurative or technical)
Refer to the same thing coherently
No foreign words,?
Avoid metaphors, irony, proverbs and idioms.
Avoid words that do not clearly identify a concept
Avoid abbreviations;
varies according to the language (eg. German: no genitive, pr?teritum or subjunctive; Spanish: no progressive or verbal periphrases)?
?Step 3. Review with a blind or visually impaired person
To improve the understanding and reception of E2U AD, you should:?
- Use clear, high-quality sound, good volume, and avoid interference or background noise to improve text segmentation and lexical understanding.?
- Voice: clear, no accent, focus on pronunciation and clear articulation
- Include pauses to allow for emotion to be perceived and use a steady motion.
Creating E2U AD seems like a real challenge to me. What do you think about it??
Sales Director, Founding Member
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