?? ????????'?? ?????? ???????????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????? If you visit the iconic 5-star Negresco hotel in Nice, check out the drinks menu. You’ll find something that might surprise you. FRENCH BLOOM, a non-alcoholic sparkling wine, is listed alongside legendary champagnes with centuries of heritage. Not bad for a brand founded in 2021! In just a few years, French Bloom has become a Luxury alternative to champagne. A remarkable achievement given how tough it is to break into the Luxury market. Plus breaking in with a new category? Even harder… By 2027, the non-alcoholic wine category is projected to capture nearly 4% of the alcohol market. So the announcement of LVMH’s 30% investment in French Bloom didn’t surprise me. It's a smart response to the shifting lifestyle of today’s Luxury consumers. ? ???????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ??????????????-???????? ?????????????
Such important information for a massive global market which doesn’t consume alcohol.I would like to know more about the Market ing campaign that French Bloom adopted.
Ines Cointement Indeed new market trend aligned with Gen Z & millennials expectations. The trend wll even ramp up whilst quality of product is more and more there. It was a time where non alcohol products, wine, champagne was not at the same level, this is changing a lot.
But of course. When I was trying to fill in a shopping center here, my luxembourg colleagues absolutely wanted alcohol. Whereas it was proven with metrics and insights that millennial and gen z, are much into non alcoholic beverages.
Fascinating move Ines! We can say, from now on this is the most expensive SODA, right? ?? ??
I’ll take sparkling water over this
Love this!!!!
Interesting market to watch and invest.
Marketing Consultant | Love Brands Crafter
1 个月French bloom are certainly the most famous player in this area. Notably, the price is still not on par with Champagne containing alcohol. I wonder if price parity would be possible in the future?