Today Impakt recognizes Human Rights Day, a day we come together to reflect on the fundamental rights and freedoms that every person is entitled to, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or nationality. Here at Impakt it’s a day to reaffirm our commitment to protecting the dignity and worth of every individual, and to recognize the ongoing struggles faced by many across the globe in securing these rights.
Human Rights Day, observed every year on December 10th, marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations in 1948. This landmark document outlines basic freedoms and protections for all people, such as the right to life, liberty, and security; the right to education and work; the right to freedom of expression; and the right to live free from discrimination.
However, despite decades of progress, human rights violations continue in many parts of the world. Whether through oppressive regimes, systemic inequality, or violence, countless individuals still face hardships in their struggle for basic dignity and freedom.
Human Rights Day serves as a reminder that the work is far from over. It challenges each of us to advocate for justice, support those who are oppressed, and raise our voices for those whose rights are violated. It also reminds us of the power of collective action — from grassroots movements to international efforts — in advancing human rights for all.
The Impakt Foundation for Social Change is contributing to the solution by hosting an event on December 18th, “Expression and Belonging”, where work is shared by refugee and newcomer artists to support and celebrate the shared humanity and bonds that strengthen our communities. For more information visit their website.
Today, let's not only reflect on the progress we’ve made but also commit to the work that remains. Let’s stand in solidarity with those fighting for their rights, whether in their communities or on the global stage. Human rights are not just a set of ideals, but a living, breathing call for equality, justice, and compassion in our shared world.
Paul Klein, Niluka Kottegoda, Maya Stevens-Uninsky, Sam Wright-Edwards
#HumanRightsDay #EqualityForAll #StandUpForHumanRights #JusticeAndDignity