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Mark your calendar for our next FREE webinar ?? Multispecies Livelihoods- A human and animal welfare approach to (eco)tourism and human-animal relations Date/Time Date(s) - Wed, Nov 13, 2024 MST 9:00 am - 10:30 am Location An estimated 100,000,000 nonhuman animals are used in the global tourism industry annually, impacting human wellbeing in a myrid of ways, yet research into the impact of these interactions on human and animal welfare and wellbeing has only blossomed in the past couple of decades. Industry regulations vary by country, if they exist at all, and regulation is often times absent leaving nonhumans reliant on the care of the humans who oversee them, creating potential for moral injury and conflicting feelings. While research is emerging that examines nonhuman animals’ living conditions, justice, and welfare, there remains a dearth in the literature regarding the rights, agency, and welfare of nonhumans in tourism settings and the resultant impact on human mental health. This presentation centers on Multispecies livelihoods and well-being, a posthumanist approach that equitably considers the rights, agency, and welfare of nonhumans and humans alike, and is also applied to settings beyond tourism. Drawing from three papers that examine power relations between species and how this can translate into human-human power relations, as well as the impact of tensions between species-level versus individual-level animal and human welfare, provide insights into how human-animal relations could improve if humans recenter their focus to the rights, agency, and welfare of both other humans and other beings. Register here: #HumanAnimalInteraction #HumanAnimalBond #ProfessionalDevelopment #FREE #AnimalWelfare #HumanAnimalRelations #GlobalTourism