ERCOT issued a Market Notice yesterday. Source: to all Resource Entities with inverter-based resources - solar, wind, batteries - to implement software, firmware, controls, and protection system and parameter changes to maximize plant ride-through performance. This involves conducting a ride-through performance assessment to attempt to move ride-through to exceed beyond current ride-through performance requirements and aligns with the previous 2023 NERC Alert for IBR performance issues. Source: ERCOT requested all Resource Entities to report by August 1, 2024 their plans (including a schedule) for implementing these changes, and encouraged Resource Entities to work with their original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to assess and implement changes, where possible. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the I2R Grid Solutions, Inc. team. Our experts possess extensive experience in working with Resource Entities and OEMs. We specialize in assessing ride-through settings and parameters, conducting performance simulations, and reporting ride-through capability. Please reach out to Sachin Soni for questions or support.
I2R Grid Solutions, Inc.的动态
?????? ???????????? ????. ??????????: ?????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????? ??????????????’?? ?????? ???????????? A significant clash has emerged between CPS Energy and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) regarding the fate of three aging gas-powered plants in San Antonio. Scheduled for closure by CPS Energy in March 2025 due to high operational costs and inefficiency, these Braunig units, operational since the 1960s and '70s, collectively generate 859 megawatts of power. However, ERCOT contends these units are crucial for maintaining grid stability in Texas, urging their continued operation despite the required costly repairs estimated at nearly $30 million for safety and reliability enhancements. ?????? ????????????:? ?????????????????????? ????????????????????: The Braunig units, while significant power producers face operational and safety challenges that require expensive updates. ?????????????????? ????????????????????????:The debate intensifies over who will bear the substantial costs of keeping these units operational. ???????? ?????????????????? ????. ???????? ????????????????????: ERCOT prioritizes grid stability, whereas CPS Energy focuses on cost efficiency and modernization. What are your thoughts on balancing the need for grid stability with the financial implications of maintaining aging infrastructure? How should such conflicts between utility companies and grid operators be resolved? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????????. #EnergySector #SanAntonio #GridStability #UtilityManagement #CPS #ERCOT
- ? The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) has passed a resolution highlighting how grid enhancing technologies (GETs) and high performance conductors (HPCs) save customers money and improve reliability, and encouraged Congress to appropriate more funding for programs that support their deployment. “We must adapt and innovate to serve growing electricity demand while maintaining energy affordability and reliability,” said Doug Scott, Chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission and sponsor of the resolution. “Advanced Transmission Technologies should be among the default solutions to increase grid capacity and performance at the lowest cost.” GETs include dynamic line ratings (DLR), advanced power flow control (APFC), and topology optimization (TO). These tools are intended to find capacity for new generation or new electric demand at a lower cost than traditional upgrades. DLRs determine the true, real-time capacity of power lines. APFC allows operators to move power to lines with available capacity. TO identifies the best grid reconfigurations to reroute flow around bottlenecks. Other advanced transmission technologies include HPCs, such as composite core conductors and superconductors.? ? ? ESG – Power Generation and Electricity Grid – November 2024 - ? ?NARUC
BHE U.S. Transmission announced it has signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding with North Plains Connector LLC, a wholly owned entity of Grid United, for the development of the 420-mile high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) North Plains Connector transmission project. The ±525kV, 3-gigawatt (GW) project will connect the U.S. Eastern and Western electric grids in North Dakota and Montana. Grid United and ALLETE are jointly developing North Plains Connector, and Avista, Portland General Electric, Puget Sound Energy, and NorthWestern Energy also have ownership agreements. The project is entering the permitting phase and initiating regulatory filings, with approvals expected in 2026. Construction is expected to commence in 2028, and the transmission line is expected to be operational in 2032. Bolstering grid reliability and enhancing connectivity between the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) in the east, with the western interconnected grid, are two of the project's primary goals. Powering good! Berkshire Hathaway Energy news release: North Plains Connector: #poweringgood #HitachiEnergy #powergrid #HVDC #GridUnited #GreatPlainsConnector #energytrading #energymarketintel Image: Adobe Stock
Due to increasing grid constraints, onsite gas to power projects are a key element for growth in the data center industry to meet increased energy demand.
NERC has released its 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment (SRA), outlining the need for proactive measures in anticipation of summer heatwaves. The SRA indicates no immediate bulk power system reliability issues but highlights the growing importance of gas and electric coordination. It identifies seven regions, including Texas, California, and New England, at heightened risk of energy emergencies due to extreme conditions. Key recommendations include reviewing seasonal operating plans, coordinating generation and transmission outages, addressing performance issues with solar technologies, and preparing for emergent air-quality restriction waivers. The assessment also notes the impact of rising demand from electric vehicles and new data centers, emphasizing the need for operator vigilance and long-term solutions to manage grid disturbances. #NERCCompliance #ERCOT #Sustainability
It's hard to fault utilities for preferring traditional power plants to supply reliable dispatchable power 24/7 given the century-old history with this technology and zero tolerance for outages. Over time, more utilities will appreciate the many benefits of virtual power plants and see the risks as manageable especially as advances in longer-term energy storage, digital substations, and advanced metering come to market.
Last month, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) released its Long-Term Reliability Assessment, which evaluates the reliability of the power supply from the various regional entities that distribute electricity in North America. NERC found that over the next five years, large segments of the country are at risk for energy shortfalls that could result in rolling blackouts. The region most at risk is the one served by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), which serves all or part of Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin. The causes of elevated risk are increased demand, driven by data centers and electrification, as well as generator retirements that are scheduled at a faster rate than their capacity can be replaced. Much of the replacement energy will be derived from renewables, which is good news. But NERC cautions that these replacements are largely “variable generation”—i.e., wind and solar power assets whose performance depends in part on the weather. The findings illustrate the need for a comprehensive rethinking of our shared electric grid. As demand for electricity rises, particularly during summer months, and as extreme weather poses an increasing risk to grid reliability, #battery storage systems will become essential for ensuring reliable access to electricity as the U.S. continues to build out the infrastructure necessary for a grid powered by renewable energy from variable sources. Distributed generation, where power is produced and consumed locally to reduce grid congestion, will also be key to a stronger grid. Read the full NERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment here: #solar #distributedgeneration #renewables #sustainability
BHE U.S. Transmission announced it has signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding with North Plains Connector LLC, a wholly owned entity of Grid United, for the development of the 420-mile high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) North Plains Connector transmission project. The ±525kV, 3-gigawatt (GW) project will connect the U.S. Eastern and Western electric grids in North Dakota and Montana. Grid United and ALLETE are jointly developing North Plains Connector, and Avista, Portland General Electric, Puget Sound Energy, and NorthWestern Energy also have ownership agreements. The project is entering the permitting phase and initiating regulatory filings, with approvals expected in 2026. Construction is expected to commence in 2028, and the transmission line is expected to be operational in 2032. Bolstering grid reliability and enhancing connectivity between the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) in the east, with the western interconnected grid, are two of the project's primary goals. Powering good! Berkshire Hathaway Energy news release: North Plains Connector: #poweringgood #HitachiEnergy #powergrid #HVDC #GridUnited #GreatPlainsConnector #energytrading #energymarketintel Image: Adobe Stock
???????? ?????????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???????????? ?????????? ?????????? full case study - At Power Projects, we recently completed an in-depth power system study for a 120 MW hybrid solar plant, aiming to resolve various operational challenges. Our team worked together to identify the root causes behind issues like nuisance tripping and harmonic disturbances that were affecting the plant’s performance. ???????????????????? ???? ????????????????: ? Nuisance tripping due to improper harmonic restraining settings and inadequate coordination between key components like the 33kV incomer and 33kV outdoor yard settings. ? Harmonic disturbance problems, leading to a more focused approach with PQ analyzers at inverter terminals, as per customer requests. to read the full case study click this link - This success wouldn't have been possible without the combined expertise of our team members—, Madhan Raj, Ajithkumar Gunasekaran G, and Selvakumar S—who played key roles from project initiation to successful closure. #powerprojects #powersystems #powersystemstudies #solarenergy #renewableenergy #ETAP #powerconsulting #teamwork #engineeringsolutions
Interconnecting generators typically pay for network upgrades that are needed to bring their projects online. And if this roadmap is an indication, they’ll be planning more upgrades relatively soon. We have many clients in the power transmission industry, and we know how to tailor the buildings for collector stations, substation control houses, and switchgear enclosures. We can tailor buildings to their specific needs. And we can enhance those buildings as needs change. Change is what we’re seeing as the energy industry looks to make the grid more reliable, more efficient, and more secure. And as infrastructure is renovated or replaced, we will be here to enhance or upgrade existing modular buildings to support those changes. #energy #buildings #powertransmission #integration #grid #renewableenergy #renewables #solar #solarenergy #utilities #windenergy #TeamParkline