This Independence Day, I-2-I Solutions salutes our service members who continue to defend our country's hard-earned Independence. Happy Fourth of July to all!
I-2-I Solutions的动态
Today the US House of Representatives passed?H.R. 9495,?which would grant the secretary of the US Department of the Treasury unilateral authority to remove the tax-exempt status of any US nonprofit group that it designates a “terrorist supporting organization.” Problem: there's no clear definition of what such an organization would look like. Nor is there a requirement for evidence to support such a decision, which could mean, quite simply, authorities could have the power to go after groups they don't like, and make it that much harder for civil society to provide checks and balances against abuses of power. Authoritarian-leaning governments have long used anti-terrorism laws to curb dissent. The U.S. shouldn't follow suit.
Happy July 2nd! This is actually the day on which the United States became independent. The Second Continental Congress passed a resolution establishing independence that was moved by Richard Henry Lee. It read in part: “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.” Another part of the resolution directed that a Declaration of Independence be issued. #july2 #1776 #independenceday #RichardHenryLee #DeclarationofIndependence #july4
Happy July 2nd! This is actually the day on which the United States became independent. The Second Continental Congress passed a resolution establishing independence that was moved by Richard Henry Lee. It read in part: “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.” Another part of the resolution directed that a Declaration of Independence be issued. #july2 #1776 #independenceday #RichardHenryLee #DeclarationofIndependence #july4
When it comes to foreign policy, many libertarians emphasize the immorality of forcing taxpayers to fund wars they oppose and the dangers of escalating local conflicts into global conflagrations. But this piece by the president of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) makes the case that libertarians would benefit from engaging more deeply with some of the difficult moral and strategic considerations that we must grapple with when it comes to military action. “A mature libertarian approach to foreign policy recognizes that preserving individual liberty sometimes requires defensive action to confront existential threats, even as it maintains a healthy skepticism towards interventionism and empire-building,” writes FEE President Diogo Costa. “Acknowledging the occasional necessity of defensive force while remaining vigilant against the misuse of military power can help libertarians chart a course that maximizes human freedom and minimizes unjust aggression in an imperfect world. Read the full article on True North
Defensive Force and Durable Freedom: Adapting Principles to Global Challenges
Its super appropriate that the President who did so much to stand on American Citizens & their rights go on to say how tragic it will be that we will again resume exercising our 1st Amendment rights. What's truly scary is he & the left believe that Americans can no longer be allowed to speak openly without being censored or information disseminated without being reviewed & selected which Americans should get to say or hear. You wish it was his total incompetence or perhaps some of his dementia that led him to telling America how the nation is in peril due to no fact checking by the government. However incredible as it sounds we truly believe in Biden's America, Americans would not nor did they have in his term the right to free speech, exercise their religion (covid, spying on Catholics, Fining churches for operating), peaceful assembly &protest (unless you were Antifa or BLM then non peaceful assembly was encouraged), lawlessness is justified & should be expected to continue, persecution of one's political rivals & supporters including violation & imprisonment without trial or representation, censored & confiscated personal information & communications, illegal search & seizure, suspended rights against discrimination of women & white males, equal treatment under the law, money laundering, insider trading, quid pro quo of a Ukrainian prosecutor & much more. That all those violations to the American people & more could take place in 1- 4 year term. Finally its over-2024!
Local reaction to Biden's farewell address
A shout out to the Founding Fathers and the Constitution with the Bill of Rights. Amendments were always about expanding the rights of the people responsibly - not limiting, restricting, removing or consolidating. The right for women to vote (1920), the civil rights act (1960's), et al. Ensuring these freedoms and the responsibilities that go along with them. Let's continue expanding the tent and the opportunity to have a seat at the table. Let's endeavor to include others not always like us or likeminded in the conversation. Diversity of people and perspectives makes us all smarter and better. And props to the balance of power and the three co-equal branches of government, an independent judiciary and Supreme Court, and non-partisan military. These are the elements that have made America great and the greatest democracy on earth. Let's keep it that way.
Governor Greg Abbott of Texas This staunch defender of state sovereignty and a powerful advocate for the principle of federalism, which is critical to the protection of our republic. Under Abbott's leadership, Texas has consistently pushed back against federal overreach, asserting the rights of states to govern themselves in accordance with the Constitution. This balance between state and federal power is a cornerstone of American democracy, ensuring that no single entity becomes too powerful. Abbott’s efforts to strengthen Texas' institutions reflect a broader, vital need for strong state governments. In an era where federal authority can expand unchecked, states like Texas serve as a crucial counterbalance. Abbott’s actions on issues like border security, economic freedom, and the protection of individual liberties reminds us that decentralized power is essential for maintaining the freedoms we hold dear. His leadership reinforces the importance of preserving the sovereignty of states to protect the Republic from centralized overreach. #GovernorAbbott #StateSovereignty #Federalism #TexasLeadership
Sanat Dixit MD, MBA, FACS Great post. For Americans to effectively put this notion into action, we all must re-learn our primary pillar of governance: ALL POLITICAL POWER RESIDES IN WE THE PEOPLE. This means we have #UnalienableRights (cannot be separated from us) and corresponding #Duties to participate in our own governance. Since our education system, both public AND most private schools, have not taught us this information in generations (not even in my college political science studies!), it is up to us to seek it out. The best source that I have found, in terms of simplicity and effectiveness, is the #CommonLawAcademy curriculum at They focus on #LawfulNotices that are sent to our #PublicServants, reminding them that their ONLY job is to protect our rights using ONLY the #18EnumeratedPowers delegated to them - all unenumerated powers remain with the individual states. Any other power they exercise is usurpation and treason (per the law!). I only recently learned this, and it was eye opening. To the point of your post, this is how we control our government!
"Liberty does not exist where rights are on one side and power on the other. To be liberty, rights must be armed with vital powers. A people cannot be free who do not participate in the control of the government which operates upon them." Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II
???? disinformation operations have been a powerful tool in advancing its national and geopolitical goals. From justifying the illegal annexation of Crimea to fueling conflict in Donbas, the Kremlin's disinformation and #propaganda ecosystem operates through multiple channels—official communications, state-sponsored media like RT and Sputnik, social media influencers, and proxy sources. These tactics blur the lines between truth and manipulation, making it difficult for audiences to distinguish between credible reporting and fabricated narratives. #Disinformation #Geopolitics #MediaLiteracy
A vibrant & independent civil society is essential to a healthy society. But the Kremlin weaponizes "civil society" and pseudo-academics to spread its propaganda in the West. Learn more about #Russia's use of #disinformation & information manipulation: