I Nyoman Lintang Daneswara的动态

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is I Nyoman Lintang Daneswara from Medan, North Sumatra. This time I will explain the stages of my student's life while at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). But before that, let me explain my background first. Since I was 5 years old, I have loved electronics. One of them is laptop and cellphone devices. Since I was little, I have been interested in getting into the world of electronics because I think electronics has interesting circuits, working systems that make me very curious about how it works. I really fell in love with the world of gadgets, even to this day. Even in middle school, I also started to like taking apart cellphones and putting them back together with other cellphones. Returning to the original topic, I felt quite skeptical at the beginning before being accepted at ITS. Because I have failed in 1 course entry route, namely SNBT. And when I was accepted into the electrical engineering department, I was immediately proud of myself. Because they are able to compete with other participants from all over Indonesia, even people from abroad who want to enter the ITS electrical engineering department. I still don't know what plans I will make while studying at ITS, but what is certain is that I want to graduate on time. During the 1st semester to produce good final results and take part in several competitions which might help me to gain experience and relationships. In semester 2, I will probably enter several organizations that can help me to achieve my personal goals such as adding experience that can be included in my CV. In semester 3, I still want to continue the organization, and also take major courses that can be taken in semester 3 and try to register as an exchange student abroad, especially in Japan because I love the electrical technology in Japan. In the 4th semester I continued to do the same thing as in the 3rd semester, and started trying to find some registration information as a teaching assistant, laboratory assistant, and practicum assistant. In semester 5, if I don't succeed in carrying out the mission I created in semester 4, then in semester 5 I will repeat it again and try to register for an internship at a company to increase my experience and knowledge. In the 6th semester, I will start to focus on the field of study that I am interested in, such as electronics in industry and robotics. Why did I choose this major, because currently I think the job prospects generated by this major have interests that I have always had. In the 7th semester, I started looking for a suitable thesis title in my field. And finally, in semester 8, I want to graduate on time and have the soft skills and hard skills needed to do the work that I will be doing for quite a long time. That's all and thank you for reading the caption of this post #HIMATEKTROITS #OKKBKELEKTROITS2024 #LifePlandiITS?Muhammad Naufal Adriansyah

  • diagram, timeline
