Human Change coalition member, Gaia Bernstein, in a talk for TEDX discusses the intentionally addictive design of technology and how user behaviour is manipulated by companies for profit. As a result children are spending an excessive amount of time online - an average of 8 hours a day. Parents are often left with feelings of guilt and helplessness but Professor Bernstein encourages us to shift these emotions and channel them into collective action. Human Change is happening now; we're witnessing a devastating youth mental health crisis and a changing nature of human relationships and connection. We must act now to combat digital addiction and safeguard future generations.
Technology Policy Expert, Professor of Law, Author, Speaker. Unwired: Gaining Control over Addictive Technologies (2023, Cambridge U. Press)
I am thrilled to share with you that today my TEDx talk (based on my book Unwired and?personal experience) went LIVE on the TED Youtube channel. Many of us and especially parents often blame ourselves for time spent on screens, while the real problem is the tech’s industry’s intentionally addictive designs. In my talk, I describe another way out of living lives of ever escalating screen time. I very much hope you will watch this video and if it resonates with you, please leave a comment or a like on the YouTube Video and share it with others. This will increase the talk’s visibility on TED’s website and carry the message to more people. Here is the link to the talk: