Pets play an important role in our lives, providing a sense of safety, comfort, and companionship. Survivors who are pet owners looking to leave a dangerous relationship are often left with what feels like an impossible choice – leave with or without their pet. At HAWC, we create free, personalized Safety Plans for survivors, taking into account the individual details of your situation, including if you have a pet. ?? Join us in supporting survivors and their pets at Together with HAWC, organizations like Houston Pet Set and Crime Stoppers Of Houston are bringing light to the importance of this conversation around domestic violence and pet safety. Check out our team’s appearance on the Houston Pet Set podcast Conversations for the Animals, Episode 9. #YouAreNotAlone #SurvivorsSpeak #UntilItEnds #EndDomesticViolence #DVAM #DomesticViolenceAwareness #KnowTheSigns #HoustonAreaWomensCenter #HAWC #SafetyPlanning #ProtectPetsToo #IntimatePartnerViolence
Such an important message!?
Thank you for ensuring survivors’ furry friends are well taken care of too! ??
This is such an important initiative. Thank you for supporting both survivors and their pets. ??