The California Department of Housing and Community Development Agency (HCD) annually updates income limits based on the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which usually publishes updates between April and June. Knowing what income category you fall under helps you understand what #AffordableHousing opportunities you are eligible for. Note: What category you're in today could change once the new limits are published.
Have thoughts around the State's housing priorities? Be sure to respond to the Consolidate Plan Survey linked below!
?? YOUR INPUT IS WANTED: The Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development is working on a federally-required Consolidated Plan for 2025-2029. This plan will determine how $14M in annual funding will be spent to increase access to housing and strengthen communities. Have your say:
Interestingly, the US has federal laws for Housing and Community Development. They provide grants for development of communities, that are often self-managing incorporated bodies rather than government appointed bureaucracy. Perhaps it is time for Australia to consider adding this option - self-organized communities - to the framework of options for development? In may aspects, Australia has more in common with US than with UK (which municipal governance structures it has inherited). This would definitely better align with private property rights than current planning system imposed with States.
Grasp the Basics of Land Use Planning 1. Land Use Planning: Involves the process of managing land resources to meet community needs, including residential, commercial, and recreational spaces. 2. Zoning Ordinances: Define land use regulations, density, and design standards to guide development. 3. Comprehensive Plans: Long-term strategies for land use, infrastructure, and community development goals. 4. Public Participation: Engaging with the community to ensure that planning decisions reflect the needs and preferences of residents. #ToyerTipThursday #LandUsePlanning #CommunityDevelopment #ZoningOrdinances #StayInformed
Budget constraints are a significant hurdle for Housing, Economic, and Community Development teams. With limited funding, often only a small fraction of total state and local expenditures, and rising administrative costs, these teams face tough decisions on how to allocate resources effectively. Learn how to tackle this issue and other common HCD challenges in our blog:
?? Gentrification is displacing long-term residents. How can we balance development with community preservation?? #gentrification?#urbandevelopment #HousingSupport #housingstability #HousingCounseling
The Bongolethu Mudhouse Project in #Oudtshoorn embarks on reconstructing 25 homes, improving living conditions for its residents. With deep roots in community development, the project addresses historical housing challenges. #BongolethuMudhouseProject #HousingInitiative
Within the diverse landscape of rural America, many towns are actively and successfully pursuing a range of economic and community development strategies to turn the tide on the economic struggles of recent decades. #NREDA #RuralProud #EconomicDevelopment
I recently read "Escaping the Housing Trap" by Charles Marohn & Daniel Herriges. This book dives into the conflict between housing as an investment and housing as, well... shelter! The authors explore alternative solutions for communities to create more affordable and sustainable places to live. Intrigued by shifting our perspective on housing? This is a must-read for anyone interested in community development and building strong towns! #HousingCrisis #CommunityPlanning #BookRecommendation #Housing #CommunityDevelopment
Unveiling Zoning Secrets: Why This Project Stalled Discover the complexities behind zoning applications and variances in this detailed analysis. We explore preferential treatments, hardships, and the obstacles property owners face when applying for permits. Stay informed about anti-housing policies and their impacts on community development. #ZoningLaw #PropertyDevelopment #HousingPolicy #UrbanPlanning #RealEstate #BuildingPermits #CommunityDevelopment #ZoningRegulations #LocalGovernment #DevelopmentChallenges