We want to give some #TenantAppreciation to one of our Greenwood tenants, Bankers Life! Bankers Life is one of the largest providers of Medicare Supplement insurance, long-term care insurance, and other products that help people near or in retirement protect their financial security. Dedicated career agents/producers live in the communities they serve and meet with clients in person or virtually, delivering knowledgeable service with a personal touch. Check them out at bankerslife.com, and find a list of our available spaces at horizonpropertygroup.com #indianapolis #indy #forlease #forrent #officespace #lease #greenwood #southside #johnsoncounty #supportlocal #indyrealtor #exprealty #realestate
Horizon Property Group 的动态
Life’s storms can come out of nowhere. While you can’t control them, you can make sure they don’t blow away everything you’ve worked for. Insurance is your umbrella on a rainy day #incomeplanning #incomeprotection #Insuranceneedsanalysis? #insurance #childreneducation #educationplan #cover? #secure #secureyourfuture #lifeinsurance #terminsurance #budgetting #annuity #saving #Save #retirment #retirmentplanning #lnvestmentplanning #financialadvice? #investmentplanning #pension Call for more details: 9092438096
"Secure your family's future with Elco Mutual Life and Annuities, a trusted partner with The Commander Initiative. With Elco's pre-need insurance, families can plan ahead, ensuring peace of mind and immediate profit for funeral homes. Elco is now hiring and offers training for agents, with special bonuses and incentives. Talk to Us:?800-321-3526 or call direct 312-442-0443 Commanders Initiative #PreNeedInsurance #FuneralPlanning #ElcoMutual #CommanderInitiative"
"Secure your family's future with Elco Mutual Life and Annuities, a trusted partner with The Commander Initiative. With Elco's pre-need insurance, families can plan ahead, ensuring peace of mind and immediate profit for funeral homes. Elco is now hiring and offers training for agents, with special bonuses and incentives. Talk to Us:?800-321-3526 or call direct 312-442-0443 Commanders Initiative #PreNeedInsurance #FuneralPlanning #ElcoMutual #CommanderInitiative"
"Secure your family's future with Elco Mutual Life and Annuities, a trusted partner with The Commander Initiative. With Elco's pre-need insurance, families can plan ahead, ensuring peace of mind and immediate profit for funeral homes. Elco is now hiring and offers training for agents, with special bonuses and incentives. Talk to Us:?800-321-3526 or call direct 312-442-0443 Commanders Initiative #PreNeedInsurance #FuneralPlanning #ElcoMutual #CommanderInitiative"
"Secure your family's future with Elco Mutual Life and Annuities, a trusted partner with The Commander Initiative. With Elco's pre-need insurance, families can plan ahead, ensuring peace of mind and immediate profit for funeral homes. Elco is now hiring and offers training for agents, with special bonuses and incentives. Talk to Us:?800-321-3526 or call direct 312-442-0443 Commanders Initiative #PreNeedInsurance #FuneralPlanning #ElcoMutual #CommanderInitiative"
Meet Kelvin, another valued member of our MLife family. Find out why he places his trust in MLife and which product he believes is essential for securing your future. Get insights straight from those who understand the importance of protection. #ChooseMLife #InsuranceThatCares #TeamMLife #MLife #ProtectingYouAllTheWay #Insurance #Pension
Reasons you can count on State Farm Since 1922, we’ve been working hard to help better protect you and those you love. We think our numbers reflect that care. ?? $1,273 That’s how much you could save if you choose to personalize your bundle with State Farm.2 ??91 million + We’re already helping a lot of your neighbors, providing insurance and financial service products on more than 91 million policies and accounts. ?? Great agents - Like Lezlie Leier Every policy comes with a dedicated agent. If you need a hand, your State Farm agent is ready to help. Call, text, or email us for a quote! Call & Text #: 303-939-9693 Email: [email protected] #bouldercolorado #boulder #lafayettecolorado #louisvillecolorado #superiorcolorado #broomfieldcolorado #longmontcolorado #eriecolorado #firestonecolorado #niwotcolorado #pagosasprings #pagosaspringscolorado #arvada #arvadacolorado #westminstercolorado #denver #denvercolorado #thornton #thorntoncolorado #northglenncolorado #statefarm #insurance #autoinsurance #homeinsurance #lifeinsurance 2Return to reference Average annual per household savings based on a 2023 national survey by State Farm of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm.
Annuity Fact #4: It's better to purchase annuities when interest rates are higher. In general, insurance carriers can then offer better rates of return on their products, which means annuitants can get better payouts for the same premiums. Inflation is a drag in many respects, but it does create a terrific opportunity to purchase annuities. To explore your options, please contact us. We're here to help! #InsurityStreet #RoadToFinancialSecurity #Annuities #DisabilityInsurance #HealthInsurance #LifeInsurance #LongTermCareInsurance #Medicare #BucksCountyBusiness #BucksCountyPA #MontgomeryCountyPA #MontcoPA #AmblerPA #ChalfontPA #DoylestownPA #HatboroPA #HorshamPA #HuntingdonValleyPA #PerkasiePA #SellersvillePA #SoudertonPA #SouthamptonPA #WarminsterPA #WarringtonPA #WillowGrovePA #Insurance #InsuranceAgent #Homeownership #PARealEstate #AnnuityFacts
When we stop and think about #retirement, many of us envision building our dream home to live the good life. Some of us think about a place on the #beach, or maybe along a #river or #lake. Others think about a place in the #mountains surrounded by #trees. While these scenarios sound idyllic, #climatechange is putting many homeowners' dreams in jeopardy. As illustrated in this story by Spencer Wilson with CBS News Colorado, many residents throughout the State of Colorado are realizing that the "#risk of wildfires in #Colorado mountain communities is making it increasingly difficult for residents to get #fire #insurance." Specifically, perils like "fuel density and previous losses, as well as losses in surrounding areas, can cause these homes to become uninsurable with the big insurance companies." While I understand that thinking about insurance when it comes to building your dream home sounds like a buzz kill, the pure fact of the matter is that where you decide to build your home (and how resilient you build it) will have major implications on your future ability to obtain coverage. So, whether it's a #residential or #commercial property project, it's important to factor not only your current perils but also your future ones as well. My colleagues and I at USI Insurance Services can assist. Please post a note here or send me a message to learn more.
Colorado's mountain communities experiencing issues obtaining fire insurance
Did you know your ex could inherit your life insurance, retirement, and other assets if you don’t update your beneficiaries after a divorce? ???? One common mistake is forgetting to update these critical details, leaving your assets to the wrong person. Protect your legacy—update your beneficiaries and consider a trust for even stronger safeguards. If you’re a Colorado resident interested in a comprehensive estate plan, schedule a complimentary 15-minute call at lawmother.com/go. #DivorceMistakes #EstatePlanning #ProtectYourLegacy