Initial hot-take, reserving the right to change my opinion as more details roll out: This is phenomenal news for the RNs able to take advantage of the program, and it’s a beautiful “GI-Bill” model for the future. It’s exactly the kind of program many of us have been yelling for since before the pandemic - it’s just slightly (ok, majorly) underfunded.
Only spending between $5 million and $20 million in total on the program is between 100 - 400 RNs in total, when we need thousands upon thousands nationwide.
If this is being put in place to meet the $70 billion unfunded mandate on nursing homes over the next ten years, then they’re only $69,980,000,000 short.
Every marathon begins with, uh, a centimeter? I guess?
Some details are emerging tonight about Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' long-awaited staffing incentive program for nursing home RNs.
#skillednursing #longtermcare #nursinghomes
[Updated] CMS program to offer RNs up to $50K each to work in nursing homes