An unexpected delight! ??
Firstly, for anyone who hasn’t experienced the Klimt exhibition in Dublin, it is jaw-dropping! It closes next Sunday, 25 February, so time is of the essence.
As business owners, we want the experience of our brand to *delight* our audience. It’s not always easy to pull off. This exhibition does this and more!
Pulling into the car park, amongst a jungle of warehouses and strip mall type shops, my expectations were on the low side. The Maps App on my phone told me, “you have arrived”, but I honestly thought there must be some mistake. It all looked so mundane, nothing around me indicated the treat that was about to unfold.
Then I noticed a tiny sign beside some heavy industrial doors. Entering was like stepping into another world. It was pretty chilly, but I soon forgot about that as layer after layer of the experience was exquisitely revealed.
The designers have done an incredible job. I’m sure Gustav Klimt would be amazed himself!
You can feel the passion, love and talent that has gone into building out this experience, to literally bring you into the art. No matter what age you are! I saw some small kids having a whale of a time with the projections as their grandparents sat mesmerised nearby!
Now I’m here telling you about it, I’ve become a brand advocate!
Have you had an experience of ‘unexpected delight’?
Maybe it was some functional aspect of a service, an extra touch you didn’t expect, or how a complaint was handled…
We’d love to hear about it, please share below ?
#gustavklimt #brandstrategy #brandexperience #klimtexpo