Going big by going UP!
In the world of trade shows, every square foot counts. When your booth space is limited, but your brand presence needs to be limitless, our double-decker designs at Altitude Exhibits are the answer!
With a 20x20 footprint, it can be challenging to showcase everything you want—product displays, meeting spaces, demo stations, and more. But why settle when you can maximize? By going vertical, we unlock twice the space within the same footprint. The result? A striking, elevated booth that attracts visitors from across the hall, stands out among competitors, and gives you the room you need to tell your brand story.
Here’s why going up makes all the difference:
-Enhanced Visibility: Draw attention from every corner of the exhibit floor
-More Engagement Zones: Host meetings, demos, and product showcases all in one space
-Wow Factor: Make a lasting impression with an elevated, unique experience for your audience
Come to Altitude Exhibits and get the space, visibility, and exposure your brand deserves! Let’s rethink booth space together and make your brand the one everyone’s talking about.
#AltitudeExhibits #Cordis #TCT2024 #TradeShowTips #DoubleDeckerBooth #BoothDesign #ExhibitionDesign #BrandVisibility #WashingtonDC
TCT 2024 is here! The Cordis team is ready to meet, greet, and engage with you. Join us for coffee and hands-on demos with MYNX CONTROL? VENOUS VCD and learn about our carotid portfolio. For the international physician audience, our SELUTION SLR? DEB station is one you won't want to miss!
#CordisGoBeyond #TCT2024 #MoveForwardWithMYNX #Carotid #SELUTIONSLR