Thankful for work families that give exceptional care. Health Exchange Clinic offers wide variety of care with functional medicine at the forefront. 704-817-9794
Health Exchange Concierge的动态
Physical therapy is more than just rehabilitation—it's a gateway to comprehensive health. The 5 guiding principles invite interprofessional inquiry into applying integrative health models to the art and science of physical therapy practice. Expanding integrative health into physical therapy has the power to improve both individual and population health. By embracing prevention, health promotion, primary care, and wellness, integrative physical therapy acknowledges the human condition's complex, dynamic, and interconnected nature. This evolution highlights the potential for physical therapy to restore, sustain, and enhance well-being at every level. #MSK #reahab #PT #PhysicalTherapy #IntegrativeHealth #Wellness #HealthcareInnovation #PopulationHealth #Prevention #HealthPromotion
Within each patient lies the blueprint for their own healing journey. In the realm of applied functional medicine, practitioners delve deep into individual health, symptoms, and history to uncover the unique keys to wellness. As Norman Cousin beautifully expresses, the patients themselves harbor the innate wisdom and potential for healing. This is why savvy clinical partnership is essential for sustainable healing and health. Build this strength! #MotivationMonday #SAFM #PreventiveHealthcare #RootCauseResolution #RootCauseHealing #HealthcareTransformation #LifestyleMedicine #HolisticMedicine #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalMedicinePractitioner
Why are so many physicians terrible at prioritizing their own health? In this special Movember message, we’re diving into the challenges clinicians face when it comes to physical and mental well-being—and how a mustache might just be the reminder we all need. Don’t miss this candid take on self-care in medicine! #movember #physicianhealth #menshealthawareness #physicianselfcare #mentalhealthmatters #contractdiagnostics #physiciancontracts #doctorsupport
We have deep admiration for those who choose to protect and care for our society. The path to serving and stewarding human health — the role of the “Service Archetype”— never begins too early. Few fields evoke a sense of mentorship and possibility, like medicine. VIDEO CREDIT: IG @rcsi_studentlife #healthcareperformance #highperformancemedicine #sacredworldofmedicine #servicearchetype #clinicia
Longevity medicine focuses on helping you age better. It’s not just about being disease-free. It’s about helping you be stronger, faster and healthier so you can continue living a life you love. At WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centre, our Longevity program takes each client on an individualized journey, examining all aspects of your life to create a health plan unique to you. Read what Dr. Grant Meek, Medical Director at WELL Health Medical & Longevity Centres, has to say about Longevity at WELL on the blog. #WELLhealth #WELLlongevity #longevity #longevitymedicine
Please meet Rahul Vanjani, assistant professor of Medicine at Brown University and a primary care physician who founded Docs for Health. The initiative looks to address social risk factors to improve overall patient health because "healthcare involves more than medicine." Docs for Health partners with hospitals, clinics and payors to treat the social determinants of health. Our impact on a patient’s life is nearly 17x that of one of the most common drugs we use in medicine today. Intervention is the key ingredient in our unique approach.
Work requirements are making a comeback. I wrote about the "devilish details" that come with the last time around for Milken Institute review > Tangled Up in Side Effects Why work requirements for health care is bad medicine for everyone
Our Vice President of Clinical Affairs and Global Health Jessica McKinney, PT, DScPT, MS recently published a paper that describes the need to prioritize "scalable, population-level interventions" that can deliver the benefits of physical therapy to all to help mitigate persistent health disparities. The Leva System was created by pelvic floor physical therapists to get effective treatment to the widest group of women possible. Read Dr. McKinney's study where she shares this and other compelling facts about access to PT. #research #healthequity #pelvicfloor #health