New paper out ???????? The Doughnut Biotool: A tool to assess life-cycle biodiversity impacts from building projects ?? There is a trend towards more systematic assessments of the biodiversity impacts that occur on-site as part of development projects. ?? However, off-site biodiversity impacts occurring throughout the rest of the value chain (e.g. from forestry activities, mining, manufacturing, heat and electricity production) are rarely considered. ?? To bridge this gap, this article introduces the Doughnut Biotool, an open-source calculation tool to assess biodiversity impacts throughout the entire life cycle of development projects. ?? The tool was initially developed to help implement Doughnut Economics and absolute sustainability principles in development projects. ?? This paper presents the design of the tool and the method and data it relies on. ??The tool is applied to two separate case study projects, and used as a basis to discuss hotspots of biodiversity impacts within the building's life cycle. Authors: Nicolas Francart, Rasmus N?ddegaard Hansen, Camilla Ernst Andersen, Morten Ryberg, Liv Kristenssen Stranddorf, and Harpa Birgisdóttir Read it here: Link to Doughnut biotool on github Link to The Doughnut for Urban Development
Amazing congrats. Although the methods has some significant flaws this is truly a milestone !
Meget sp?ndende v?rkt?j Men det er en helt klar svaghed for m?ling af off-site aftrykket, at v?rkt?jet ikke tager h?jde for, hvad der faktisk foreg?r p? det konkrete areal materialerne stammer fra. For tr? er det helt afg?rende hvilken form for skovdrift der bedrives p? arealet. EU har faktisk vidtg?ende lovgivning for vores brug af tr?: EUDR (EU Deforestation Regulation) stiller krav om geolokalisering dvs krav om sporbarhed til voksestedet, koblet med krav til dokumentation for at om at tr? ikke m? have bidraget til skovrydning eller skovforringelse (EUDR). Ved siden af lovkrav er der frivillige v?rkt?jer Det globale skovbrug har i mere end 25 ?r arbejdet med certificeringsordningerne FSC og PEFC, der s?tter pr?cise standarder for hvordan verdens skove skal forvaltes, herunder hvilke hensyn der skal tages for at bevare og forbedre biodiversiteten i skoven. Kravene til skovdriften er koblet med krav om sporbarhed til voksestedet. Det er der mig bekendt ikke mange andre byggematerialer der kan matche. Det er fuldst?ndig afg?rende at v?rkt?jer som Biotool afspejler og indarbejder disse nuancer i det videre arbejde.
congrats! We are not alone!
Great work. This is exactly What is needed! Hope you get funding to move ahead! M
@Anna Rex Elmgreen
Thomas Gilh?j Lundsgaard det er ogs? lige l?sning for dig????
Investing in sustainable natural capital for a healthy and prosperous planet, because there is no business on a dead planet
1 个月I couldn't help but notice the massive biodiversity impact wood has in the model. And after digging a bit my preliminary assessment is rubbish in rubbish out. Using a global forest biodiversity midpoint including the Amazon and the Congo and applying that to a species loss because of wood use from northern hemisphere forests seems quite a stretch. And furthermore LCA metrology assume that one can reduce the complexity so that one number can represent an entire economic activity, i.e. what's the water impact of cement manufacturing. Forest management cannot be treated as a factory s.o.p. how the forest is managed has a huge impact on it's impact on biodiversity (certification, species composition, buffer zones and protected areas).