All we want is the be recognized as HUMAN BEINGS and to be valued as somebody with whom one can speak on real issues.
Halt Violence的动态
One of the truest forms of understanding. Get to know our young people first. Understanding is key to a positive relationship and more positive choices. #traumainformed#noblame#shoutandyouloosecontrol
So important and yet so often overlooked.
It’s Not You, It’s Us… How to Deliver Constructive Candidate Feedback | SocialTalent
That's why alert fatigue is such a big issue for SOCs and solving it needs to be a top priority. Relying on quantity over quality in detection rules is a mistake that overwhelms teams with unnecessary alerts. The key to fixing this is automation, along with tuning and refining detections to reduce noise. When alert fatigue sets in, it can seriously impact the quality of investigations and lead to SLA breaches. Getting this right not only improves efficiency and keeps analysts focused on real threats, but it also helps reduce their burnout.
Unfortunately, stories like these are becoming a very common case.
Embracing diverse perspectives and avoiding rigid categorical thinking can prevent catastrophic consequences such as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). By fostering flexibility and creativity in our approach, we can steer clear of conflicts escalating uncontrollably. When individuals or nations are open to alternative viewpoints, they are more likely to explore a wider range of solutions, thus averting potential disasters. Finding common ground and uniting against a shared enemy can foster collaboration, cooperation, and ultimately, peace among people. #FlexibleThinking #CollaborationForPeace
TIPS - Categories - How categorial thinking of human beings leads to Mutually Assured Destruction
Who is at the root of all societal sufferings and conflicts? With rising tensions around the globe among all sorts of ranked and ideological factions I enquire into the origin of these conflicts in a hope to arrive at the solution or at least ignite a pursuit for it. I invite you to share your perspectives which will be valuable in fostering a meaningful dialogue. Do repost and comment, if you resonate with it. Read this story from Abhijeet Ghosh on Medium:
Who is at the root of all societal conflict and suffering?
Value Conflicts Explained What is a Value Conflict? Conflicts are an inherent part of social existence because we are in constant competition for resources...Read more now! #Conflicts #adrtimes
What are the four reasons why narrative is so powerful in the real world? Check out more here:
Exploring different voices around tension at different levels with Laurent Vuibert, Klaudia Jaworska, and other brave souls. I explored the voice of money, and experienced firsthand how powerful and arrogant it is. Truth be told, I quite relished in the dirty puddle of power. Ultimately, the voices of resilience and hope prevailed, and you couldn't write a script for it even if you tried. My learning from this #nniDialogue about tension between collective crisis urgency and personal, immediate concerns is that a voice/perspective is multi-faceted and there's always a b-side to everything. Acknowledging that and trying to see that other side of things is one of the antidotes to heavy tension. Every time I join the dialogue, I love how beautifully organic & powerful it is, and I walk away with rich insights. I highly recommend you try joining a dialogue from nniDialogue Institute sometime. #systemicdialogue #systemiccoaching