You Are Not an Idiot
A picture of a ghost taken in 1899, produced by double exposure

You Are Not an Idiot

Are you an idiot?

We often claim to be, when we're frustrated and have done something we know was wrong, foolish or inappropriate. But in fact, there is a growing body of evidence that you are not only "not an idiot" but are in fact, in possession of consciousness that is capable of existing outside of your brain.

In other words, the essence of your being - your personality, thoughts, emotions, perspectives - can, and according to new science, will, become what is called "non-localized". This means you can exist without your body, encapsulated inside of what has been termed a "spirit" or other dimension.

Free of physical constraint, your consciousness has no geographical limitations. Nor is it restricted by the present time. It's capable of going anywhere and visiting any time period, including the past and even the future.

Have I gone off the deep end? If I have, then so too have real scientists - people with many degrees and a lot of experience, who have been studying non-local consciousness for decades.?

What makes this topic so relevant today is that in the last 10 years, evidence pointing to our ability to exist after we've died, has grown precipitously.?

Even while we are still physically alive - our consciousness is far more powerful than we could ever imagine.

New research by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, reveals that when musicians play duets, their brains can synchronize to an unbelievable extent. The consciousness of one person can directly connect with another. Research team leader Johanna Sanger, as reported by Writer Stephan Shwartz, says that tiny networks of the brain are formed between two or more people with such accuracy and heightened connectivity that music is played perfectly and effortlessly, without missing a beat.

Consciousness, say the scientists, is no longer the same thing as the brain.

Our brains contain our consciousness. But they do not hold it captive.

There is absolutely no proof that consciousness is produced in the brain or by the brain. Zero. Science cannot say definitely that the brain and consciousness are inextricably linked.?In fact, science has no idea whatsoever how we produce our thoughts. It has only assumed that it's somehow done by the brain. Most people do not realize this, including many in academia.

If it is true that our consciousness is a thing unto its own, capable of moving outside of the mind, both while we are alive and also after we have died - then there is incredible hope for millions of people who fear death.

As reported in her fascinating book "Surviving Death", author and researcher Leslie Kean documents cases of young children who recall past lives; of people who have died on the operating table, and when resuscitated, told tales of floating on the ceiling; and of people communicating with the dead, even to the extent, in one case, of an apparition sitting down and watching TV with a living family.

Perhaps even more startling is evidence that blind people have reported being able to see. An extensive study conducted by Ken Ring, co-founder and past president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) says people who are congenitally blind and have never been able to see anything in their entire lives can perceive the environment when their non-local consciousness detaches from their bodies during life-threatening situations.?

Some of the experts who study non-local consciousness make the incredible claim that we are all capable of moving our consciousness beyond its traditional role of living inside our mind. That with practice and significant focus, we can somehow connect with a fourth or fifth dimension - one which cannot be seen with the naked eye - but like air and space, exists never-the-less.

All of this takes me back to our frustration with ourselves.

Today, many of us feel hopeless, void of any real meaning in a world where events have overtaken us. Wars, disease and conflict abound as we sit in our chair being a helpless witness.

We are fools, we tell ourselves.?Human in all its ugliness.

But now, we can receive this powerful message of hope.

When we look in the mirror, we see a body - one which will one day collapse, like an old car that has seen better days and is no longer worthy of repair.

But, if the research is to be believed, you are far more than a deteriorating thing.

You are, in fact, an old soul. You are energy, that cannot be, and will not be, eliminated once your body has run out of steam.

You needn't be religious to open your mind to the possibilities.

However, the day we experience evidence of non-local consciousness for ourselves, I have no doubt we'll feel closer to God.

Are you an idiot?

It seems not.

shaheeda smith

North West Air Conditioning

2 年

thank you i love this

S.R. Kish

Healthcare Operations Leader | Driving Quality, Patient Satisfaction | Educator | Policy Maker| IPAC LTC

2 年

Hello Cory, this started out a little funny for me and evolved to a great article, it is so damn interesting THE SOUL, YOUR SPIRIT, and not much is said about this medically... clinically, but there are many books. I would like to add when you say "We are fools, we tell ourselves.?Human in all its ugliness.", in the world of Tarot, which I dabble in :-) the card called the FOOL, is quite, well, good, it promotes the thought, that you are open to new change, process, and do not have blinders on... life has infinite possibilities. There is a connection with our passed relatives, and that next stage of life. I am scared, as that allows you to release, let go and lose control. My little boy sometimes says the oddest things and I say to him, how do you know that? and he says in my brain! lol to me he is an old soul, with grand knowledge beyond his years at times. Is this my inner power, no I have a different one I am putting energy into, but down the road, surely! Good to hear from you thank you for the news article!

Jean Laini Bipp-Bipp

Président chez BIPP-BIPP SA | Planification de projets

2 年

Nous sommes tous qui que se soit, des imparfaits ,c'est bon a savoir ,cela nous rends meilleurs. ??????

Jim Ross


2 年

Mr. CORY GALBRAITH, I do support you very much! I don't know you enough, but you make sense a lot! Thanks! That arrogant sentence "ARE YOU AN IDIOT???" Allow me to ANSWER that question, right away!... My ANSWER is: "ARE WE A PLANET OF IDIOTS?"... Why do I do that? Because, WE, our entire so called "human-race???" has been behaving like a bunch of "idiots", since the ROMAN EMPIRE... Including it of course! Because, before our ANCESTORS created and developed PYRAMIDS... Ancient Greeks knew much more than today, about MEDICINE... Also, about PSYCHOLOGY, they knew about INFRA-HUMAN psychology, called (or ignored and denied on purpose?) which must called clearly EGO = INFRA-HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY? ANIMAL-PSYCHOLOGY probably? Instead of EVOLVING from the "animal-kingdom" we have DEVOLVED, DEVOLUTION, returning to "animal-behavior", after we refused to GROW-UP psychologically... Believing WRONGLY that imitating the "monstrosities" committed by the ROMAN EMPIRE, were imitated by modern-slavery after, with most of "monarchies", which continued with "capitalism", ignoring an intelligent sentence emanating from

Ravi Shankar Bhakat ,

Marketing Faculty @IIMShillong #ManagementEducation

2 年

reminds of....Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.?It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.......


