Gwinnett Leadership Forum 的动态

"Successful culture can look and feel like magic, the truth is that it's not." New York Times bestselling author, Daniel Coyle, explores actionable steps you can take to achieve a successful corporate culture in his book, "The Culture Code." Join us at our upcoming Leadership Roundtable series, in which we sit down and explore these steps together. Ready to sign up? Send us a message or email us at [email protected] today! #networking #network #leadership #gwinnettcounty #faithandleadership #faithtalk #godisgood #godisgreat #christianity #christianitytoday #lifewithchrist #glf #gwinnettcountyevents #leadershipevent?#bookdiscussion

  • Graphic showing the cover of our Spring Leadership Roundtable Book, "The Culture Code," by Daniel Coyle, Daniel Coyle's headshot, and the Gwinnett Leadership Forum logo.
