The alternate route to tertiary education! Greenwich Global College programs dually affiliated with SBTE and IBCC equivalent to Intermediate or A Level. The Shortest route towards University Education. Shape your future with GGC. #GreenwichGlobalCollege #GGC #TertiaryEducation #EquibalenttoIntermediate
Greenwich Global College的动态
The alternate route to tertiary education! Greenwich Global College Programs dually affiliated with SBTE and IBCC equivalent to Intermediate or A Level. The Shortest route towards University Education. Shape your future with GGC. #GreenwichGlobalCollege #GGC #TertiaryEducation #EquibalenttoIntermediate
The alternate route to tertiary education! Greenwich Global College Programs dually affiliated with SBTE and IBCC equivalent to Intermediate or A Level. The Shortest route towards University Education. Shape your future with GGC. #GreenwichGlobalCollege #GGC #TertiaryEducation #EquibalenttoIntermediate
The alternate route to tertiary education! Greenwich Global College Programs dually affiliated with SBTE and IBCC equivalent to Intermediate or A Level. The Shortest route towards University Education. Shape your future with GGC. #GreenwichGlobalcollege #GGC #TertiaryEducation #EquibalenttoIntermediate
These education session bundles from #NACAC Conference 2024 have been specially chosen to provide #collegeadmission professionals with valuable insights on key topics. Learn from current college advising and admission practitioners on how to support students in a changing educational landscape.
Join the conversation.
In 2023, secondary schools from Victoria and NSW partnered FoE's Melbourne Metrics and tertiary admissions authorities (VTAC, UAC) on the 'Matching Not Ranking' project, exploring new metrics and learner profiles for tertiary admissions. This initial work has sparked broad interest from additional admissions and curriculum authorities, sectors, and schools. The results of the exploration to date are now ready to share! We invite current secondary teachers and school leaders (from VIC, SA, NSW, TAS and NT) to join us online as we share insights from the project and discuss the next steps. Tap through to learn more →
Connecticut IB Academy is the #1 high school in Connecticut, according to US News and World Report's annual rankings. Schools are ranked on their test performances, graduation rates and how well they prepare students for college. #EHPSPride
What an achievement! 42nd place across all UK HE providers. The highest satisfaction rates for all providers in East Anglia. The only College based HE centre in the top fifty. University Centre Peterborough (UCP) is the place to study a degree. The level of pastoral care, our student support mechanisms and the teaching underpinned by pedagogical practices make UCP unique. College based HE is an important and integral part of the university landscape: #clearing2024 #UCAS #Highereducation
A national survey of students has found that University Centre Peterborough is impressing many
State Parent Training and Information Centers exist in all 50 states and are federally funded by U.S. Department of Education. Connecticut State Department of Education is partnering with theirs to ensure families know there is a direct line to contact for special education questions. To learn more or locate a center visit: #familyengagement
In partnership with the CPAC, CSDEs Bureau of Special Education is here to support you with resources, guidance, and answers to all of your questions about special education in Connecticut #SpecialEducationDay
The Ministry of Education has hinted that the CBSE is considering holding board exams twice a year from the 2025-26 academic session. To know more read #CBSE #BoardExams #twiceayear #educationreform #academicsession #studentsuccess #LearningJourney
CBSE's twice a year exam pattern to begin from the 2025-26 academic session - Brainfeed Magazine