Register to learn more about the $5 million Maryland Tough Baltimore Strong Small Business Support Grants Program at a virtual briefing on September 16. This initiative is designated to provide funding for area nonprofits assisting small businesses and communities affected by the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. Attend this brief informational to better understand program goals, eligibility, and the application process. Register today at You can also learn more about this program and start your application at
Greater Baltimore Committee的动态
For nonprofits who support small businesses: attend one of these info sessions to learn more about our Key Bridge Small Business Support Grants!
? GBC has partnered with?Baltimore Community Foundation?to launch the Maryland Tough Baltimore Strong Small Business Support Grants Program, a $5 million initiative to provide funding to area nonprofits?to assist small businesses and communities affected by the Francis Scott Key Bridge?collapse.? ? Learn more about this program?and how to apply?at? one of our virtual informational sessions on September 16 and 17. Register for these sessions today!? ? Sep. 16:? ? Sep. 17:?
?? Before numbers can tell the story, it’s essential to understand their significance. ?? By collecting and analyzing fundraising performance metrics, nonprofits can obtain valuable insights into their fundraising strategies, empowering them to make informed decisions and enhance outcomes. ?? Learn more about critical fundraising performance metrics to track here:
When it comes to securing grants, nonprofits often ask:?Which funders will give us the best shot at success??With numerous types of funders available—from private foundations to federal agencies—knowing where to focus your grant-seeking efforts can be challenging. Read Instrumentl's report detailing success rates across different types of grant funders:
Efforts to make federal #grantmaking to #nonprofits more accessible are appreciated, but new the guidance is far from equitable. ?? Key Points: ?? Language Inclusivity: English is removed as the sole language for notices of funding opportunities, applications, and reports ?? Simplified Reporting: The reporting process is streamlined and audit threshold increased ?? Indirect Cost Rate Concerns: The increase in the de minimis indirect cost rate from 10% to 15% is still not nearly enough to cover essential program expenses ?? Exclusionary Matching Requirements: Continuing matching funds requirements disadvantage smaller nonprofits disproportionately led by women and people of color ?? Technical Assistance Gap: The exclusion of nonprofits from technical assistance opportunities available to for-profit business remains a critical shortfall
Don’t miss our latest blog “Maryland Nonprofits' Take on the New Federal Grantmaking Guidance”, by the Executive Office Manager, Conner Wolfe.
Federal grants are available to help schools and nonprofits install emergency management alert systems, and we can help manage the sometimes complicated application processes. Read our latest blog post outlining 6 grant programs:
6 Federal Grant Programs to Help Organizations Strengthen Emergency Preparedness | SOS Technologies
In our latest blog post, TLR member Myles Roth explores how stringent overhead limits impact the operational efficiency and goals of nonprofits. Read Myles' blog post here:
As a result of Nevada missing out on over $550 million in federal grant funding annually, nonprofit and public agencies have much less to invest in vital community programs and projects. This underperformance deprives Nevadans of valuable services that they help fund by paying federal taxes. ?? That’s why we’ve assembled a list of key grant opportunities for Nevada. This guide highlights anticipated future federal grant opportunities that are historically underutilized in Nevada, reoccur on a regular basis, and have a relatively large number of awards and higher funding amounts. View the Key Federal Grant Opportunities guide:
President & CEO at CLR Solutions LLC | We provide a one stop solution for all your online business needs
Effective Digital Communication Strategies for Nonprofits – A CLR Solutions Essential Guide
Who Holds the Network Together? "Personally, though, I believe that ensuring nonprofits have access to the right technology and security is vital to our communities. Our work is so important and often vulnerable. We fill in where the private and public sector have left people without vital resources. Nonprofits often deal with disparities of resources, while working to ensure that everyone thrives. Doing such important and life-changing work deserves more than basic infrastructure. Our peers deserve the same access to support as anyone else doing essential functions in our communities. Funding for nonprofit IT infrastructure and systems is imperative for the future." Read Terri's full reflection on our blog!