?? How to build an efficient parcel locker network? We’re sharing some advice according to OMNIC's 12 years of real-market experience:
? Start from one area. Businesses often try to cover the whole city with a small number of parcel lockers, locating them too far from one another. But it’s hardly a good idea in terms of user experience. We recommend starting with one limited area or the block properly covered with parcel lockers to offer slippers-distance deliveries to its inhabitants. After you get the first happy customers, scale to the neighboring areas. Eventually, you will cover the whole city, gaining loyalty and visibility on the go.
? Find the best location. Many factors need to be considered: human traffic, accessibility to transport and electricity, availability of location permits, etc. You can do all yourself or engage the technology to help you. OMNIC AI allows to pick the ideal spot according to Big Data.
? Combine Indoor locations with outdoor. Businesses mistakenly believe outdoor solutions are the best option because they are available 24/7. Still, weather conditions can often make it unpleasant for people to pick up or drop off their parcels outside. Parcel Lockers conveniently located in conditioned shopping malls or convenience stores on the block may be much more preferred for people during dog days or in nasty winter colds. Therefore, we recommend mixing outdoor and indoor locations within your network.
? Analyze and expand. As you know, parcel lockers are Smart, meaning they can generate a lot of real market data regarding the network’s load, how people use it, etc. This data is invaluable for data-driven decisions while scaling the network.
OMNIC offers a comprehensive set of services for launching, fixing, and scaling #parcellockernetworks –closed or agnostic–for our Clients. To learn more, follow the link below, and feel free to book a meeting with our specialists to ask questions.?