New article on "What’s new in SVOD? Most of its content" Today’s SVOD catalogs offer a very small sliver of what has been produced over time.
Founder - Legacy #FAST pioneer upgrading #fastchannels to #ViewTV #CTV #contentstrategy for ad-funded #streamingmedia & #television for best in industry monetization. Emyther me at - [email protected]
Harsh but true - Check out my view on this #fastchannels #fast #adtech #programmatic #ctv #streamingmedia
#FutureOfTV has moved away from #FAST and #Programmatic #AVOD due to revenues being just a quarter of YouTube's, impacted by #CTV #AdFill and low CPMs from the inefficient #FASTChannel ecosystem. #RatherGood has now transitioned to #COMO for #streamingmedia 7 #streamingtv with excellent results. -
? The new platform update is here ? Platform Update 6.9.7. brings some additional video player features designed to boost fill rates and CPMs, along with an array of minor bugs and improvements. ?? Check out the full list of changes included in Platform Update 6.9.7. on our website or sign up for our newsletter to always stay on top of what’s going on at TargetVideo. ?? #targetvideo #platformupdate #videoplatform #videoplayer #videoadvertising #avod #adtech
Let's be honest - how many SVOD platforms do you subscribe to? How many of them do you binge-watch in a week? If the answers unsettle you, UBOMI's My Subscriptions can cancel the subscriptions you no longer use. Find out how at: #UBOMIAPP #MONEYMANAGEMENT #UBOMI #BINGEWATCHING
Dawning Days of DRM Chapter 2 Blu-ray?????Episode 4??BD+ (1) When Fox became one of the original members of the Board of Directors of the BDA, which was formed on October 4 2004, it was speculated that the BDA was required to adopt a security virtual machine based renewability system, one of the three new DRMs identified by Hollywood/MPAA. [Note: See Chapter 2 Blu-ray Episode 2 CPS for Blu-ray (1)] Indeed, Fox was the most vocal for this addition especially because they believed any cipher based technological protection measure even using AES would likely be compromised, therefore it was imperative to provide several counter measures to prevent various attack scenarios such as title key/device key publishing, PC emulators (software), and malicious code on hacked hardware device. Accordingly, it was necessary to implement media transform to disturb playback of hacked content, discovery/run native function to detect PC emulators and malicious code, and forensic function to trace a hacked CE player without affecting Blu-ray technologies, including, but not limited to, navigation/interactive layer as well as authoring and mastering /replication process. ? Given extreme complexity of a security virtual machine based renewability system, however, its development was not easy at all. Besides, its basic architecture had been already described in the Self-Protecting Digital Content (“SPDC”) developed by a startup based in San Francisco called Cryptography Research, Inc. (“CRI”) which also owned essential patents. Additionally, it must be supported by the BDA through approval by Board of Directors, which included, among others, Disney, Dell, HP, Philips and Warner, because basic objective to adopt the system was to gain comparative advantages of Blu-ray over HD-DVD. Moreover, it was indispensable to get rid of concerns about its adoption which was raised by certain founders of a consortium developing conventional cipher based technological protection measure using AES, namely AACS (Advanced Access Control System, formerly known as ACMS or Advanced Content Management System). While AACS is defined as format neutral, it was viewed as working on behalf of HD-DVD despite the fact that original 6 founders in 2002 included Sony. [Note: Disney and MEI became the founders in 2004, in addition to IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Sony, Toshiba and Warner. AACS will be discussed in detail in the next episode.]? Complexity did not only reside on technical side. Indeed, it was a hard work to accomplish all the licenses and contractual arrangements, which include not only conventional Adopter Agreement with compliance/robustness rules and Content Participant Agreement but also sublicenses from CRI and service agreements regarding key generation and certification/verification, etc.
Did you know? that 1 in 3 (34%) SVOD subscribers have access to at least one SVOD service through another service (i.e. bundling). Younger SVOD subscribers are more likely to use bundling services than their older counterparts. Learn more about our study:
The bootleg Nintendo Network replacement no longer requires jailbreaking via InnovationWarrior.Com #author_name|Will_Shanklin #Game_Consoles #language|en_US #provider_name|Engadget #region|US #site|engadget #Technology_Electronics
There’s never a good time for your Internet to drop—whether you’re mid-Netflix binge , working on a deadline , or deep in an online gaming session ??. When it happens, frustration can quickly set in ??. But before you spiral, it’s time to channel your inner detective ???♀? and figure out what’s gone wrong. In our latest blog, we break down the most common reasons your Internet might be down and how to troubleshoot like a pro ??. From router hiccups to network congestion ??, and even global issues like submarine cable breaks ??, we’ve got you covered. Need answers now? Start your investigation here! ??
The bootleg Nintendo Network replacement no longer requires jailbreaking via InnovationWarrior.Com #author_name|Will_Shanklin #Game_Consoles #language|en_US #provider_name|Engadget #region|US #site|engadget #Technology_Electronics
First of all, who the L is using a Palm OS device in 2024? Nothing against #LG who aquired operating system a long time ago and props to them for still holding it down with #webos, which runs on many if not all of their #smarttv(s). lastly, if you are using a Palm Pilot, get help - soon. BTW, the #apple #newton was and still a better #pda.
Hate to see this again and again ?? Switch to Eventify and see the difference! Learn more at : #BSOD #BlueScreen #CrowdStrike #ServerDown #bluescreenofdeath #globaloutage #techtok #CrowdStrikeOutage