As a mother of several young women myself, I recognize the tone and determination and realness of this message and her delivery of it.
Our negative assumptions about people with Down syndrome can lead us to treat them in such a way that these assumptions become reality. In sociology, this is called a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. Why not reverse our perspectives? If we have positive assumptions about people with Down syndrome, we'll give them more opportunities in their schools, workplaces, relationships and activities. And maybe these positive assumptions will become reality. #AssumeThatICan #WDSD24 #WorldDownSyndromeDay #EndTheStereotypes SMALL Indiana Production Stabbiolo Music Rich Lee Christopher Probst, ASC Louise Baker Lee Karim Bartoletti Silvia Bergamaschi Luca Angeleri Luca Bettinetti Alga Pastorelli Alessandro Cristofori 22DOGS Canadian Down Syndrome Society Down's Syndrome Association Down Syndrome Australia National Down Syndrome Society Global Down Syndrome Foundation Down Syndrome International FCSD Fondazione Cariplo Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo