Georgia Tech Voice+ Research Lab的动态

What Secrets Do Our Voices Keep? In Georgia Institute of Technology's new Voice+ Research Lab, interdisciplinary researchers explore the voices' myriad roles in music, marketing, technology, culture, medicine, and more. Unless we're sick and lose it — or are once again shocked by how different it sounds on a recording versus in our heads — most of us don't think about our voices too often. They're such a familiar and integral aspect of our lives that we take them for granted.? However, it's precisely because of this prominent role in our lives that one group of Georgia Tech researchers is studying the voice. At the new Voice+ Research Lab,?Andrea Jonsson?and her colleagues explore our voices not for the secrets that we tell but for the secrets that our voices keep.?? "I branded it 'Voice Plus' to evoke the question of 'Voice plus what? Technology, history, culture?' It can be so many different things," said Jonsson, an associate professor of French at the?School of Modern Languages.?"The lab will be an innovation hub for theories and methodologies around the voice." #research #researchlab #voice #voices #innovation

What Secrets Do Our Voices Keep?

What Secrets Do Our Voices Keep?
