Parental leave allows parents to bond without the stress of having to work and meet expectations in the workplace. This is vital to maintain a healthy relationship between employee and employer, and also between employees and managers. Often times when people aren't offered parental leave, they can feel burdened by the feeling that they're letting their team down or letting the company down because they want to spend time with their new family. This leads to resentment in the company and then unhappiness. If parents choose to not take time, they lose out on so much valuable milestones and time that can't be taken back. It's just not a good outcome either way. Shoutout to all the companies out there that provide time to mothers and fathers.
Brand & Marketing @ Parentaly | Mom ???????? | Producer of The False Tradeoff podcast | Brand & Culture Builder | Photographer | DMs open: parental leave, policy, benefits & working parenthood!
Nearly half of our employees have taken parental leave within the past two years and it has drastically IMPROVED our business. Read that again. When done right, parental leave helps employees up-level their careers AND expedite business goals for the company. And fortunately for us, Parentaly knows a few things about how to use parental leave to our advantage. ?? Yes, parental leave changes the way teams operate - and that can feel disruptive. But it's really all about how you approach it. If you design parental leave planning intentionally and strategically, it becomes a career and business accelerator. Because there’s nothing like the immovable deadline of welcoming a child as a forcing function to work better and faster. #parentalleave