Developed by Team Big Dawgs, Ikaika is a narrative game that focus on the legend of Maui. #GhX2024
Gameheads 的动态
Another mid-semester reflections! Our ACICIS social media ambassadors share the most surprising experiences they've had so far in Indonesia and what they wish they could tell themselves on day one. What advice would you give your past self when you first travelled to Indonesia with ACICIS? Let us know in the comments! ?? #ACICIS #NewColomboPlan #Intled #StudyInIndonesia #StudyAbroad #StudentLife
?? ???? ??????'?? ?????????? ???????????????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????????????? ????????. We've all heard this, yet so often, we resist change. Why? Because facing change often means facing discomfort, and it's human nature to avoid what might bring pain. We aren’t consciously avoiding improvement — we’re unconsciously avoiding the challenges that come with it. But here's the truth: ???????????? ???? ???????????????????? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ????????. ?? It's not about judging ourselves for avoiding change, but about understanding it. It’s human to protect ourselves from pain. Yet, the real question is — ????????’?? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????????? ?????????? ???? ????????What do we lose by not taking that step? Change brings the possibility of something better. ?? What if the discomfort we avoid today is the very key to the growth and fulfillment we’re seeking tomorrow? So, let’s ask: ???????? ???? ???? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????? ????????, ?????? ????????’?? ???????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????? ???? ???????? ???????????? ?????
?? Odprtost za nove ideje in metode vodi k izbolj?anju in napredku, medtem ko vztrajanje pri starih navadah prina?a stagnacijo. ?? ? Vedno smo tako delali - Vedno bomo imeli enake rezultate ?? Najprej sprememba v na?inu kako delamo - potem sprememba v rezultatih!
Non-binding market survey for Hungarian biomethane demand now closed with positive results Following our successful #hydrogen survey, FGSZ F?ldgázszállító Zrt. has continued to explore the potential of alternative energy carriers – this time focusing on biomethane. This fall, we assessed domestic market interest in biomethane by inviting industrial participants to share their current and future injection and consumption demands. The aggregated results of the survey confirm producers’ and consumers’ initial commitment?as there is noticeable interest in biomethane injection into the interconnected natural gas system with an annual amount of 255 million m3 by 2030, slightly higher than projected in the Energy Ministry’s Action Plan.? With this survey, we are now one step closer to contributing to a greener tomorrow! For more details and results, see below??
Nem k?telez? erej? felmérés keretében vizsgáltuk a biometán betáplálására vonatkozó igényeket ????? A felmérés során arra kértük a piaci szerepl?ket, jelezzék meglév?, vagy j?v?beli igényüket a magyarországi együttm?k?d? f?ldgázrendszerre vonatkozóan – mind a nagynyomású, mind az elosztói hálózat tekintetében. A beérkezett adatok meger?sítettek minket abban, hogy a piac komoly érdekl?dést mutat az alternatív energiahordozók iránt – jó úton járunk egy fenntarthatóbb j?v? megvalósításában! ?? A felmérés eredményeir?l az #FGSZ honlapján olvasható r?vid ?sszefoglaló nyújt tájékoztatást:
Have questions about what evyAI can do? Visit our Help Center and explore our frequently asked questions. Link in the comments below. Don't see your question? Leave a comment below and we'll do our best to answer it! #evyAI #LinkedInAI #AIAssistant
Great training event in Estonia by Combat Ready │ Leadership Consulting and Services. I can highly recommend this course, it helps you to become an even better leader! #leadership #leadershiptraining
Sinus peitub rohkem potentsiaali, kui sa oskad arvata! ?? Tule ja pane end proovile Lahingmatkal! ?? Lahingmatk on koolitusp?ev looduses, kus teooria p?imub kohe praktiliste tegevustega. Koolitusel ?pid, kuidas saada paremaks juhiks ja meeskonnaliikmeks nii t??kaaslaste kui ka l?hedaste seas. Uued teadmised kinnistatakse arutelude, rollim?ngude ja mitmekesiste harjutuste abil. Lahingmatk toimub juba ??? 1. juunil Meriküla spordi- ja ?ppekeskuses Harjumaal. Kas oled valmis end proovile panema? Lisainfo registreerimise ja osalemise kohta leiad meie kodulehelt -> Avalikud koolitused -> Lahingmatk. #combatready #cr #Lahingmatk #koolitus #juhtimine #matk #loodus #eesti
Have questions about what evyAI can do? Visit our Help Center and explore our frequently asked questions. Link in the comments below! Don't see your question? Leave a comment below and we'll do our best to answer it! #evyAI #LinkedInAI #AIAssistant
Have questions about what evyAI can do? Visit our Help Center and explore our frequently asked questions. Link in the comments below! Don't see your question? Leave a comment below and we'll do our best to answer it! #evyAI #LinkedInAI #AIAssistant
It is estimated that during the pandemic, almost 130 billion tons of electricity were consumed worldwide every month. disposable face masks, which would then go to waste collection sites along with the general waste, completely without complying with the rules of sorting or proper treatment. ?? ?? ?? A team of scientists from the Lithuanian Energy Institute, who for almost two years conducted the study "Use of face masks used for COVID-19 by thermochemical treatment", collected, studied and recycled disposable face masks in order to subsequently extract valuable gas – hydrogen – from them, which could be widely used in industry. This discovery of Lithuanians has already attracted the interest of Swedish scientists conducting similar research. ???? The project "Use of face masks used for COVID-19 by thermochemical treatment" was funded by the Research Council of Lithuania from the European Regional Development Funds. #sustainability #renewables #ecology #recycling #carbonreduction ?? Watch the YouTube report: ?? More: ?? Project page:
Skai?iuojama, kad per pandemij?, kas m?nes? visame pasaulyje buvo sunaudojama beveik 130 mlrd. vienkartini? veido kauki? kurios v?liau nukeliaudavo ? atliek? surinkimo vietas kartu su bendromis atliekomis, visi?kai nesilaikant rū?iavimo ar tinkamo apdorojimo taisykli?. ?? ???? Lietuvos energetikos instituto mokslinink? komanda beveik dvejus metus vykd?iusi tyrim? ?COVID-19 panaudot? veido kauki? panaudojimas termocheminio apdorojimo būdu“ rinko, tyr? ir perdirbo vienkartines veido kaukes, kad v?liau i? j? gal?t? i?gauti vertingas dujas – vandenil? – kurios gal?t? būti pla?iai naudojamos pramon?je. ?is lietuvi? atradimas jau sudomino ir analogi?kus tyrimus atliekan?ius ?ved? mokslininkus. ???? Projekt? ?COVID-19 panaudot? veido kauki? panaudojimas termocheminio apdorojimo būdu“ finansavo Lietuvos mokslo Taryba i? Europos regionin?s pl?tros fond?. ?? ?iūr?kite YouTube reporta??: ?? Pla?iau: ?? Projekto puslapis:
Panaudotos veido kauk?s ir mikroplastikas lietuvi? rankose virsta superdujomis
′Facile, Stereoselective Preparation and Pd-catalyzed Suzuki Miyaura Cross-coupling of Alkenyl Sulfoximine′ by Yasui, Yamazaki, Hirano et al
Viglacera?Thai Nguyen, a subsidiary of Viglacera, will begin constructing the Song Cong II Industrial Park (Phase 2) in Q4 2024. The project, located along Hanoi’s Ring Road 5, spans 296 hectares and requires a VND 4,000 billion investment. It will prioritize electronics, pharmaceuticals, and clean energy industries. (Vietnammoi) *Article is in Vietnamese. ?? Read the article for more details! ? ??? Connect with us to get updated with the latest property news in Vietnam! ? #vietnamproperty #news #realestate
Nhóm Viglacera s?p có thêm khu c?ng nghi?p 4.000 t? trên ???ng Vành ?ai 5