Falls among seniors remain a pressing public health concern, with more than one in four individuals aged 65 and older experiencing a fall each year. As a leader in Medication Safety Analytics? and Precision Clinical Pharmacist Services, we're uniquely positioned to help. Learn more:
?? Public Health Awareness: Caution Against Self-Medication in Children Below 2 Years I want to shed light on a critical issue regarding self-medication in children under 2 years and emphasize the need for consulting healthcare professionals first. Recently, a concerning scenario unfolded: A mother rushed to purchase over-the-counter medication for her 1.5-year-old child, who felt warm to the touch. She was given a medication containing paracetamol and diphenhydramine. Believing the child would recover, she administered the medication without further medical evaluation. What went wrong? The child later developed tonic ( stiffness) convulsions followed by respiratory distress and loss of consciousness. Upon arrival at the health facility, the child's Blantyre Coma Scale (BCS)was 5/9 indicating moderate to severe impairment of consciousness. Further investigations revealed that the child was infected by Malaria parasites exceeding 3000 plus, affecting her Platelets and Haemoglobin level, which required urgent medical intervention. Unfortunately, the medication administered by the mother, was inappropriate for the child’s age and condition, leading to delayed treatment. The complications worsened , nearly leading to the loss of the child. Thankfully, prompt medical care was able to stabilize the child and initiate appropriate treatment, but the situation could have ended tragically. A Call to Action: Let’s prioritize the health and safety of our children. Seek medical advice immediately when children shows signs of illness. Do not gamble with their health, Kindly consult a doctor first! #ChildHealth #InfantCare #ConsultADoctorFirst #NoToSelfMedication #MalariaAwareness #SafeParenting # YourHealthMyPriority
Did you know that less than 3% of US health care dollars are spent on improving quality of life and addressing chronic disease? During #HealthyAgingMonth, we advocate for seniors who feel left behind. This September, let’s urge our lawmakers to prioritize seniors and pass legislation like the amended version of #TROA that will make obesity medication and care accessible! Learn more in this great resource from OCAN member, the National Council on Aging:?https://lnkd.in/ey-seYAd
Check out my article on the health risks of extreme heat for vulnerable patients. Learn how rising temperatures impact vulnerable groups and discover strategies for prevention and support: #PublicHealth #HeatSafety
??? Medical Alert: Increased Risk of Heat-Related Illness for Those on Antipsychotic Medications ??? ?? Attention Iowa State Operated Specialty Care Supervisors, Behavioral Health Providers, and Child Welfare Agencies: From: Robert Kruse, M.D., M.P.H., State Medical Director, Director, Division of Public Health, Iowa Department of Health and Human Services ?? Date: July 12, 2024 As temperatures rise, there's a heightened risk of heat-related illnesses, especially for individuals on antipsychotic medications. These medications can increase the risk of heat stroke and neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), particularly in poorly ventilated areas. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable. Preventive Measures: ? Ensure patients, especially high-risk groups, stay hydrated. ?Keep high-risk patients in cooler areas. ?Regularly monitor patient temperatures. ?Minimize direct sunlight exposure. ?Encourage wearing protective clothing and using sunscreen. ?Reduce use of anticholinergic medications which may affect sweating. Heatstroke Symptoms: Elevated body temperature (104°F or higher) Hot, dry skin Altered mental status Nausea/vomiting Headache Fast heart rate Rapid breathing ?? If heatstroke or NMS is suspected, immediately stop antipsychotic medications and seek medical attention. Please share this information with your patients and their families to ensure a safe summer. Stay vigilant and keep cool! ?? #HeatSafety #MentalHealth #PublicHealth #IowaHealth
?? Falls Prevention in Australia: A Systemic Approach ?? Falls are a significant public health issue for older Australians, costing the healthcare system A$2.3 billion annually. Despite this, falls prevention has not received adequate policy attention. Discover how a systemic approach can address policy gaps and foster multisectoral collaboration to enhance falls prevention efforts. Let's work together for a safer future! ??♀??? #SyenzaNews #FallsPrevention #HealthcarePolicy #AgeingPopulation #SystemicChange https://lnkd.in/dRG2Ff-h
This month’s issue of the Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada (HPCDP) Journal features the second issue in a two-part special series on social prescribing in Canada, with articles on: - Social prescribing in Canada: linking the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion with health care’s Quintuple Aim for a collaborative approach to health - Leveraging integrated youth services for social prescribing: A case study of Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario - Social prescribing needs and priorities of older adults in Canada: a qualitative analysis - Building the capacity of older adults and community: findings from a developmental evaluation of United Way British Columbia’s social prescribing programs for older adults - Utilizing the determinants of healthy aging to guide the choice of social prescriptions for older adults - Integrating social prescribing in Fraser Health, a regional health system to support healthy aging - Guides for facilitating the implementation and evaluation of social prescribing: lessons from “Access to Resources in the Community” model. Read the full issue here: https://ow.ly/pKJP50Tls4o
The Prematurity Prevention Initiative recognizes National Infant Mortality Awareness Month throughout September to honor families who have experienced infant loss and share critical information on reducing preterm and early births. Reducing infant mortality in the United States requires public health agencies to work together with healthcare providers, community-based organizations, and other partners to help address the social, behavioral, and health risk factors that contribute to infant mortality and affect birth outcomes. Learn more about the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ)’s efforts to address preterm birth rates and other case studies: https://lnkd.in/eZ8E9Zzf. #InfantMortalityAwarenessMonth #HonorFamilies #PretermBirth #PPI #NJPreterm #NICHQ #HealthInformation #HealthObservances #MaternalChildHealth
???♂? Exercise Programs: A Key to Reducing Fall Risk in Seniors ?? Structured exercise programs can play a crucial role in preventing falls among older adults, particularly those at increased risk, according to the latest recommendations from the US Preventive Services Task Force, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. Dr. Li Li, a member of the task force, emphasizes that healthcare professionals can make a significant impact by recommending these programs to adults aged 65 and older. By promoting balance, strength, and mobility, structured exercise programs can help seniors maintain their independence and reduce the likelihood of falls, a leading cause of injury in this population. ?????? #HealthyAging #SeniorHealth #Exercise #FallPrevention #HealthyLiving #PublicHealth
I can’t help but feel that the idea of a prevention ‘service’ is completely upside down and thoroughly depressing. Prevention happens in communities, and community assets are already doing the heavy lifting, so let’s just invest in them properly, and devolve trust, accountability and decision making at the same time. They know what to do, so let’s just enable them do it, learning the lessons from ambitious programmes like Mobilising Community Assets to Tackle Health Inequalities ane community-led organisations like Darnall Well Being.
The CDC reports from 2001 - 2006, approximately 47,000 older adults (65+) fell annually and these falls involved both walkers and canes. 87% of these falls involved using a walker. "More studies are needed to identify potential design problems and improve the design of walkers," says the CDC. Regular exercise programs, medication evaluations by a clinician/pharmacist, home assessments, and vision checks can help decrease the risk of falls. #CDC #Falls #OlderAdults #AD #AssistiveDevices https://lnkd.in/gbcBWTmH