Answering the renewable energy call with excellence Technical and Excellence Director Giuseppe Mazzucco focuses keenly on every detail of the Snowy 2.0 project. On top of that responsibility, he also keeps sight of the project’s global impact. “The changing climate is a call of duty to the world, and Australia’s answer is #Snowy2. We are setting an example with our commitment to renewable energy and a sustainable future,” Giuseppe said. “As a project team, we strive for excellence. When you strive for excellence, you naturally care about the #quality of your work. You take ownership of your responsibilities and have the courage to tackle challenges together.” Giuseppe is immensely proud of the technical achievements of Snowy 2.0. He often reflects on how our work builds on historic transformation, but with modern complexities including multiple tunnel boring machines, a world-first inclined pressure shaft, and six reversable turbines in an underground power station. With a 5-2 roster working from Future Gen’s corporate headquarters, Giuseppe relocated to Cooma with his family. “Cooma is not just a part of Australia. It embodies the spirit of the original Snowy Scheme with its 75 years of international history. Cooma is the heart of clean energy for our country, driving a better future for all of us,” Giuseppe said. Visit our jobs page if you’d like to join Snowy 2.0: The Future Generation Joint Venture - FGJV brings the combined engineering expertise of two companies – Webuild from Italy and Australian-based Clough. Our team combines local expertise with global experience. Together we will create a world class sustainable project enhancing the Snowy legacy for future generations. Future Generation is the principal contractor for the Snowy 2.0 Project on behalf of Snowy Hydro Limited. #renewableenergy #CoomaNSW #rewardingcareer #technicalexcellence
Congratulazioni Ing.
Congratulations Giuseppe????????????
Un grande
Felicitaciones caro @Giusseppe Mazzucco por tu importante labor! Abrazo!
Bravo Giuseppe!!!!!
Coordinadora Seguridad e Higiene QUIMEXUR del Grupo HOLCIM
1 天前Siempre orgullosa de tu trabajo y experiencia Giuseppe! Se los extra?a Ing! Abrazos argentinos!