Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. #thursdaythoughts #fundible
It’s time to call on the fighter in you to fulfill your purpose! The world is imploding and needs YOUR purpose. Is your purpose worth fighting for? Did you know you and your purpose were designed intentionally? AI is the current craze with specialized apps or robots to fulfill very specific functions. What if YOU were specialized to fulfill a very specific purpose on this earth, too? I believe you were and so was I. When you have a clearly defined purpose and connect to its power, you feel an urgency to fulfill that purpose. ?? You will fight for it. ?? You will fight anything that tries to stop that purpose from being fulfilled. ?? You will fight anything that keeps you from stepping up and fulfilling that purpose. ?? You will fight personal battles that limit your ability to fulfill your purpose and fight to find a way despite any setback. ?? You will fight others who oppose your purpose. ?? You fight for strong boundaries to protect this precious treasure of purpose in you. ?? You will fight anything that tries to stop you from fulfilling your purpose. ?? Plus, every level of expansion of your purpose will require you to fight even harder through new levels of opposition to get it out. Your purpose is not a bed of roses. ?? It is a call to fight for something bigger than yourself! But you fight because it burns in your bones like a fire that cannot be contained. Sometimes purpose overlaps with business but NOT ALWAYS so don’t confuse the two. For years, my business was one thing, my purpose operated fully alongside it. I was CALLED out of business to give all my time to fighting for TIME, YOUTH, PURPOSE, and PRAYER/INTIMACY WITH GOD. That meant leaving a six-figure income and closing my financial planning practice in the 90’s to say yes to my purpose with 0 income. But to me, there was no choice but to answer the call. I began to fight in prayer for youth and my nation. I poured all my time into children, youth, and young people and writing. ? I spoke to groups to help others see the significance of fighting for time priorities. I fought for goodwill initiative in my heart conquer the world for good. When my purpose expanded to LinkedIn, I fought to be a voice by writing 9 million words in four years. And I fight each day with the urgency to say and do what’s on my heart for THIS day’s purpose. I may not have another day to do it. ?? Purpose words and actions are like manna. They are there for ONE day, then they go stale. Your purpose for today has that kind of urgency. ?? Live every day like it’s your last. All you have is THIS day. Don’t squander it! What do you fight for? Do you have a purpose worth fighting for? Written by: MamaLiz ? #MamaLiz #motivational #innovation
The Fable of the Grasshopper and the Ant is one of Aesop's most popular fables. Aesop teaches to remember the sacrifice required by our life-duty. It takes both planning and work.?Indeed, luck is bad life strategy. We also take notice of something critical and perhaps even more important; to wit: The distinction between the teachings about wisdom by Aesop and the teachings about "morality" by Jesus. Now, certainly, wisdom (prudence) and charity (goodness, love) are not mutually exclusive, but neither are they the same. There is never a wise fool, but there are often charitable, good and loving fools.?The fool conflates wisdom and goodness. Wisdom decides what is good, goodness does not decide what is wise. The Grasshopper needed to get lucky, dependent upon charity. Silly Grasshopper, he did not help himself, and he didn't get lucky. Maybe God forgave the Grasshopper for his life-folly, but not so easy for the Grasshopper's family in his care. Hope is the last refuge of the victim. The Grasshopper might have hoped to get lucky by charity of others. But, the Grasshopper was not a victim. The Grasshopper was a fool. Throughout time, the sages teach to behold Time, and that the pain comes either way.?By our own internal choice today, or by external force tomorrow.? Not a nice lesson.?Not a kind lesson.?Not a coddling lesson.?But, alas, a necessary lesson. "Benefit and Burden, sister and brother. Where should we find them? One with the other." #GreggZegarelli #Aesop #Zegarelli #Aesop_Ant #Work #Sustainability #Charity #Aesop_Grasshopper #Vision #Industry #Planning #BusinessOfAesop #TheEssentialAesop #TheEssentialAesop_3 #GRZ_98_3
Instead of wasting your time and energy on worthless things ,You should clear in your mind about achievable things Yes it is important to have clear and specific things in your mind, which you want to achieve in your life. Whenever you find yourself in doubts, you should ask 3 main questions to yourself, which will help you to escape from your doubts. 1. What you want ? If you donot know what you want then how you going to achieve it. 2. Why you want ? You should know why you want , if you donot know why you want , how you going to get it ? 3. What resources you have to contribute(Time or money ) to get that thing ? At least you should know how much time or money it going to take to achieve it . If you donot know again , you suffered .
How many life and business clichés, er lessons, can you fit into one picture? The other day, my son and I spent a beautiful early evening taking a sail in beautiful Casco Bay. For him, he was indulging his old man. For me, I was letting off steam after a stressful workday. I’m basically a beginner sailor, while my son has been spending many of his summer days the past few years at SailMaine sail camp. Suffice it to say, he is a much more much more confident skipper than me, although we both realized that we both still have a lot learn. So, a few of the deep insights that came into mind thinking back on this day: * The wind will blow when and where it will, but with the right tools and team you can go almost anywhere you want. * If a line is stuck, you are probably better offer using smarts rather than brute force to fix it. * The next generation may have something valuable to teach you after all (this is tongue-in-cheek, of course, but this truth becomes more obvious to me every day) * Getting into a flow state is an amazing way to clear your mind. * We take non-profit organizations for granted way too often. * Life is too short to not take advantage of the moments we have on this little planet together. I could go on and on and on. Sailors, did I miss any metaphors? Maybe I'll write the next Tuesdays With Morrie book, but about sailing and without all the deathbed drama...! In other news, it appears everyone hates the new goodr frames I got. My boy stole my older pair. What do you think? #preciousmoments #maine #sailing #parenthood #cliches
So my plan is to combine doing extreme ‘feats’ of grit, endurance, and courage, with personal mastery skills development programs. The extreme ‘feats’, like my 10 000km challenge, will raise money for important social causes, and through these experiences and achievements I will also deliver programs on developing self mastery. I am well experienced in delivering personal mastery programs already. I also use ‘recovery’ as living example of personal mastery in action; now I can reflect on the 10 000km challenge and how it is helping me to develop new competencies, and to face and overcome barriers and fears. Seems like my new angle will combine social philanthropy and business. To be able to help others develop personal mastery I must show and reflect on real examples of my efforts to build personal mastery. Progress not perfection. Always. I wonder what interesting ‘feats’ will come onto my radar after the 10 000kms are done? I wonder which new clients I will attract? Exciting possibilities now turning into solid action plans. What this space Peeps ???????????? #brooksrunningsa #personalmastery #breakingpersonalbarriers
It was a great experience in church today. I learnt a lot about scaling up and I hope this piece bless someone. Scale up means enlargement, increase or empowerment. Life is not a fun fare, it is a warfare. There's a sacrifice paid to get there (scale up). If you are not ready to give yourself, you will find yourself lying down If you want to scale up, you must be disciplined. Scaling up is not by mouth, but by burning candles. You cannot stay in one position and want to scale up. No matter your scaling up, you need the help of the holy spirit. If you don't have Jesus, you are going no where. Principles to scaling up in life A. Invest in knowledge. Pro 18:1 No knowledge is wasted, invest in wisdom. B. Leave your comfort zone. Deu 6:1-7 Develop your business idea, make yourself available for opportunities. You cannot become destined by remaining who you are, wake up and be an early riser, if you are late ,it will be very difficult to catch. C. Take responsibility. Don't become a liability, be able to unleash your ability. Don't stay back, you can do all things. D. Dream the vision. Hab 2:2-3 Wake up to have a plan, and work towards it. Life without a right bearing is a burden. Get it right early, don't get it late. E. Character is a key factor for success in life. Exhibit good character always. You need to donate a lot into your destiny if you want to scale up. The measure of life is not in your duration but your donation. Enlargement comes with a lot of sacrifice. F. Be very focus. When you are focus, you abolish every form of challenges. Welcome challenges for they are stepping stone to your success. The attraction you allow that causes a distraction leads to an ungodly action and make your salvation a fraction. Pro 13:24 The glory of your destiny is dependent on the quality and amount of what you invest in. Jn 9:4 The sacrifice you make now, echoes till eternity. Success comes to a man that does today than people waiting for tomorrow. #Happysunday #Scaleup
Here’s a sneak peek from my latest blog post about Leaving behind a legacy. Head over to my blog to read the full piece! ? .......I believe the boldness to show our true selves and share our experiences is the best legacy I can leave to the world—and to my kids. It’s not about protecting them from hardship or pain; it’s about showing them that this too is part of life. And when they’re old enough to understand, they’ll get a copy of my book, signed by me. So this is my legacy: helping others navigate life’s hardships and create those impactful, amazing events. Experiences that bring people joy, things that make a lasting impression on all the senses. Giving people great memories to hold onto is a powerful way to balance the hardships of life. Life will always have contrasts, but if we make the good experiences outweigh the bad ones, then we can look at the bad ones as a reminder to appreciate the good ones better. A few years ago, I had a thought about maybe adding one sentence to my body: “This too will pass.” It carries two messages. When encountering hardships in your life, you can remind yourself that this too will pass... and it always will. But it also reminds us that when you do have something good in your life, you should really be in that moment, truly cherishing and appreciating what you have now, because this too will pass....... #blog #legacy #meaningful #impact #trueyou #growth #inspiration #powerful
BUILD THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU FOR YOUR TOMORROW 1. Nothing Makes Life Sweeter Than Making People Happy 2. The People You Help Today Become Your Soldiers In The Battle Of Life Tomorrow 3. To Invest In Properties Is Good But To Invest In People Is Far Far Better. 4. Try To Make Money, But Try Also To Make People Great. 5. Your Greatest Trophies Are The Tears You Wipe Away From People's Faces Not The Things You Acquire. 6. Your Greatest Achievement Should Be Raising Achievers. 7. People Will Defend, Stand By You & Honour You When They Realise You Value Them 8. Don't Let An Ingrate Stop You From Making Others Great. #Stay_safe_and_blessed
*Two key takeaways:*?? 1. Life is unpredictable,?? and bad days will come. 2. Your attitude can transform??? those difficult days into memorable days... Ability to handle worst situations shifts your focus from #problems?? to solutions. Boosts resilience?? and coping skills. #Inspires hope and #optimism.Helps maintain perspective Attracts #supportive people. As #Charles. #R #Swindoll said: "Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you #react." Every day is a new #chance to start fresh, #learn, and #grow.?? Keep shining your #light, even on #cloudy?? days!????
I Am A Dreamer When I was young, my grandmother would often ask me why I daydreamed so much. Over time, I realized that daydreaming is not inherently wrong. What’s key is that I need to discipline myself to dream worthwhile dreams using all five senses. Then, by taking massive and effective actions, my dreams will act like a magnet. They will compel me to turn those dreams into reality. Dreams are previews of different lives that you can experience. They are stories that your divinely created heart wants to craft for your future. They serve as milestones to guide you and show you the way to your finest destiny. In crafting your dreams, you free yourself to explore the expanse of your mind and travel to the ends of the world. The limits of your dreams are only defined by the limits of your imagination, passion, and diligence. If you don’t dream and allow yourself to create big dreams, you’ll be trapped in the worst prison - the prison of your mind. You will never be truly free if you cannot mentally traverse the unlimited possibilities of space, time, energy, and matter and see how things can fit into your dreams. You will be lost on the journey of life if you don’t have an inspirational dream to transform the world around you for the greater good. How can you cultivate big dreams that will make a positive difference in the lives of those around you? Follow me for more strategies on how to be happy, successful, and wealthy. Share my post to help others too. #business #investment #wealth #leadership #wellness #happiness #health #success #lifelonglearning #charity #brandbuildertalents #LinkedInFamily #LinkedInConnections #LinkedInCommunity #LinkedIn