What are the best Montessori schools in Livermore, CA? https://hubs.ly/Q02D1kh00
Fountainhead Montessori School的动态
Montessori Education continues to grow worldwide…
A little press for Montessori in US Today today-- https://lnkd.in/gwg43Gya
Montessori schools are everywhere. But what does Montessori actually mean?
The Pros and Cons of a Montessori Education for Your Child https://hubs.ly/Q02tF6rz0
The Pros and Cons of a Montessori Education for Your Child
Here is an insightful blog from American Montessori Society on all the areas we love about Montessori Education. https://lnkd.in/g4hXmPKD
Planes of Development and Sensitive Periods: Foundations of the Montessori Multi-Age Classroom
Montessori Adult Preparation Dr. Montessori realised the older models of teaching could not work. She believed children were not vessels to be filled up with adult knowledge or needed to be punished or forced into obedience or learning. She searched for a fresh new adult that would bring to her method an altered meaning and a changed role to the life of The Child. This adult would serve the purpose of aiding The Child in developing holistically because he is more than a physical being. He is a mind, body and a spirit and his development occurs with all these levels intertwined. In order for this to be achieved, The Adult requires a shift in thinking. Once this shift begins, The Adult will need to break down her old conventional thinking regarding children and education and then replace this with a new vision that supports all aspects of child development (physical, cognitive and emotional). Dr. Montessori realised this preparation of the teacher would also include a transformation of the personality and social standing. The Adult would not be seen as the centre of the environment and would not be the one doing the direct teaching. In doing so, the new Adult would replace the conventional model of a “Teacher” and would be known as a “Directress” or a “Guide”. She would be seen as someone who leads, has extensive knowledge of the learning area and offers helpful information in order for the journey to be successful. The role Dr. Montessori envisioned for The Adult who would lead The Child is to adopt certain responsibilities and roles, allowing The Child, through guidance to see education as “preparation for life”. In order for this to happen, The Adult will need to go through internal and external changes
How incredible is this project Montessori on Wheels. Montessori Education should be accessible for all and the team is on a mission towards just that. https://lnkd.in/g4y8UUtS
The Emergence of a Montessori Leader: An Interview with Tatenda Blessing Muchiriri from Montessori on Wheels Part 1
What makes the Kindergarten year in a Montessori classroom unique? Read about it in the latest post on our blog!
The Importance of the Kindergarten Year — Waterfront Montessori — Jersey City, NJ
Our Montessori Education Manager, Stephanie McReynolds, recently wrote this piece for ParentingOC on Montessori education, and specifically how our schools implement this philosophy. Learn more about how experiential learning in the Montessori method benefits children in this article! #Montessori #Education #ExperientialLearning
The Montessori Method?
Really useful article: Montessori, Technology, and the Purpose of Education (Montessori Life, Winter 2024) #Montessori #technology #education https://lnkd.in/gAxf-FKm
Montessori, Technology, and the Purpose of Education (Montessori Life, Winter 2024)
Montessori teaching aids are special educational tools designed according to the Montessori method. A world-famous educational method developed by Maria Montessori in the early 20th century. Read the following article to learn about Montessori teaching aids. #montessori #Montessoriteachingaids https://bit.ly/473LY7T
How important are Montessori teaching aids in preschool education?
Understanding what Montessori really is and how it is similar and different from conventional preschools, elementary schools and middle schools goes a long way to understand why montessori works so well for so many children. Thanks Letty Rising for putting this informative article together. #montessori #school #preschool #childdevelooment #teachers #parents #casa #elementary
We've come across numerous articles and infographics attempting to compare Montessori and traditional education systems but we find that many of them tend to oversimplify or miss some key points. Too often, these comparisons fail to account for the different planes of development in the Montessori approach - from early childhood all the way through adolescence. Instead, they tend to conflate practices across different age groups. For instance, you might see Montessori's use of self-correcting materials in the early years contrasted against elementary classrooms in traditional schools. But the Montessori elementary experience looks quite different, with an emphasis on collaborative work, impressionistic lessons, experiments, and open-ended projects. Overgeneralizing one aspect from a single plane as representative of the entire methodology does a disservice to the depth and nuance of the Montessori philosophy across all stages of development. In this article, Letty Rising takes an in-depth look at Montessori vs traditional education across the planes of development. Let us know what you'd add or remove from this analysis! https://lnkd.in/ee8gSBzf #montessori #education #montessorieducation #earlychildhood #ChildDevelopment #learningenvironment #mariamontessori
Montessori vs. Traditional Education: the Ultimate Guide