An Attwater's prairie chicken's dating life depends on dancing. ?? Fossil Rim Wildlife Center has between 20-24 breeding pairs each year. Adults are housed in pens where birds are encouraged to see their neighbors. Starting in late January through May, male APC will perform their breeding displays for the females. Typically, in the wild, males will gather early in the morning in large groups called leks. In captivity, our males are able to see and hear their neighbors to simulate this environment. At these lekking grounds, males will perform their unique song and dance. This display can be heard over a quarter mile away enticing females to come that direction!. A male’s performance consists of a series of dance moves including foot stomps and twirls, followed by several vocalizations of booming calls, whoops and kackles. Males will compete with each other for the best performance. A dance display will take place regardless of a female being present, but it will increase when one is in the area. Females can be choosy and may not breed with a male after his first performance. If she has found the right male for her and is ready to breed, she will squat down and droop her wings. #NationalDanceDay #attwatersprairiechicken #birdlovers #endangeredspecies #FossilRim #endangeredbird
Fossil Rim Wildlife Center的动态
As the first light of day breaks over the African landscape, a baboon troop begins to stir. Baboons are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and rest at night. They typically sleep in the trees, using their strong, grasping hands to cling to branches, or sometimes on rocky outcrops, which provide a safe vantage point from predators. Once the group has gathered and everyone is awake, the troop sets off to begin the day. In many cases, the dominant males are the first to stir, asserting their presence and signaling that it’s time to move. The troop’s movements are coordinated, and a sense of hierarchy within the group ensures that the more dominant individuals take the lead while younger or subordinate baboons follow. The day’s primary task for the baboons is foraging for food, and they are opportunistic omnivores, eating a wide range of foods. Baboons typically forage in groups, moving from tree to tree or across the savanna in search of food. They consume fruits, seeds, leaves, insects, and occasionally small animals such as birds, lizards, or even young antelopes. #primateholidays #nature #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifeviewingspots #exploremore #wildlife_seekers #wildlifeonearth #eastafricansafaris #roamwithus
This Northern (yellow-shafted) flicker is part of a "split" species. In the eastern part of North America, flickers have the bright yellow underwings and feather shafts that give them their name. You can see the yellow in this bird's tail shafts. In Western North America, northern flickers have salmon or red-toned underwings. In both species, the males have a "mustache" just behind the bill onto the lower cheek. Thus, this bird is a female. Those tail feathers are stiff for propping against tree trunks and in this case, the side of a barn the #bird is inspecting for food, likely spiders it can pluck from the crevices. But it might also be considering this hole as a possible nesting site. Typically, flickers excavate their #nest holes in dead #trees. These holes serve other species when flickers abandon them. The beneficiary species include wood ducks, red-bellied woodpeckers, starlings, tree swallows, kestrels, and more. The hammering of these #woodpeckers during breeding season gets annoying if they choose to do territorial displays on the roof or chimney of a house. Their loud calls repeat their name "flicka flicka flicka...!" #citizenscience #artist #nature #birds #birding
Black-backed jackals are highly vocal. Best known for their high, wailing calls – often given in the early evening, when one individual answers another until an unearthly chorus builds up – they also utter a repeated yapping when tailing a predator; a call that sometimes betrays an irritated lion or leopard. Fossil deposits have revealed that the black-backed jackal is one of the oldest known dog species. It has remained pretty much unchanged since the Pleistocene epoch, up to 2.5 million years ago. Like all jackals, this species forms monogamous, life-long pair bonds. What’s more, youngsters from one year’s litter often act as ‘helpers’, suppressing their own breeding ambitions and remaining with their parents for a year or more in order to help them raise the next litter. This habit is known to have a greater bearing on pup survival rates in black-backed jackals, than in any other jackal species. #wildlife#tembeakenya#hidayaafricatoursandtravel call:0722370545/0733370545 email:[email protected]
This beautiful Osprey was hunting for breakfast. Many times I have been in the surf as they ride the air currents above the waves, the perfect glide mesmerising to watch. And then they dive for their catch. One word. Awe. The thing about Nature’s apex predators, those at the top of the food chain, is that they can only take so much. They kill to feed. Not to eliminate. Elimination means they die too. Human animals have transcended the apex predator. With the flick of the wrist, one button pushed, and we can destroy everything, including ourselves. Ah for the wisdom of the Osprey. She knows enough. I wonder, if all the animals that are not human were sitting around a table having a chat about humans, what would they say? How do we stop these creatures from destroying us all? How do we help them understand there is enough for everyone if everyone stops competing to be the world record hoarder? What empty well inside do they have that they are compelled to consume everything, seeking to fill an eternal void? Surely if they took a few long breaths and looked around, they would see abundance? At the least, the beauty of life that satiates hollow bones. Nature’s Heart beats strong. We humans, as Nature, might attune to its rhythm and find the soul food nourishment in simplicity. #syntropicworld #syntropicenterprise #beautyofbeginnings
#whales #faroe #slaughter #butchery #villainy #indifference #anthropocentrism #life #love #reverenceforlife #loveofJesus THE VILLAINY: "The most brutal whale hunt campaigners say they have ever documented saw at least 138 pilot whales slaughtered as they were driven into a shallow harbour, in a gruesome ritual which lasted ‘hours’." THE BARBARITY EXPLICATED: "Our livestream footage shows animals struggling on shore for over 25 minutes whilst the killing of other pod members took place, after which the remaining live animals were held in place for a further 90 minutes by vessels whilst they struggled on the rocky shore and showed increasing signs of stress." HUMAN PERFIDY WRIT LARGE: "Next an announcement was made that the killing would be delayed to allow the rowing competition in Klaksvik to finish in order that more people would be present on the beach to see the animals die." "The Faroese state that this is part of their tradition and that the hunt provides free food for their community." THE ONLY AMELIORATIVE: A reverence for life is an ethos of life affirmation, asseverating inter alia, that mankind is under a sacred duty to serve as stewards to all God's creatures, ever seeking to protect, enhance, and assist life. We are bidden to bestow the love of Jesus as set forth in The Sermon on the Mount, bestow that love universally, on all beings who cross our path, on all denizens of our shared home. THE IRREFRAGABLE VERITY: So long as sanguinary slaughter of any creature is not only permitted, but encouraged as a pastime, justified by governments, deemed appropriate as a spectator sport, for that period of time will humanity march inexorably towards Schweitzer's grim prediction: We will end by destroying the earth. Let us make conferring the love of Jesus our tradition. Let us make the augmentation of life our tradition, not the implementation of death.
**Introducing the Tiger Creek Angel Tree!** This holiday season, we’re inviting you to help spread Christmas cheer to the amazing animals of Tiger Creek! Throughout each week, we’ll feature an animal (or a group of them!) and a link to a special enrichment item they’d love to have. Enrichment is key to keeping animals mentally and physically stimulated. These activities and toys mimic natural behaviors, encourage curiosity, and promote overall well-being. Your support means so much—not only to us but also to the animals who call Tiger Creek home. **How you can help:** Follow our posts each week, pick an item from the link, and send some love in the form of a new enrichment gift. Our furry, feathery, and scaly friends will thank you with extra purrs, roars, and tail wags! Let’s make this season unforgettable for them. Today's feature animals: Beans , Frank , Sonnet , Tartar Sauce , and Kevin Bacon Their Want: Why the goats and pig would love a climbing set Goats are natural climbers, known for their agility and curiosity. Providing a climbing arch and ramp allows them to engage in behaviors they’d naturally display in the wild, like exploring uneven terrain and hopping between elevated spaces. This type of enrichment keeps their muscles strong, improves coordination, and satisfies their playful, inquisitive nature. While pigs aren’t natural climbers like goats, they are highly intelligent and curious animals. A climbing arch and ramp offer new opportunities for exploration, problem-solving, and exercise. They’ll love sniffing around, testing their balance, and finding creative ways to interact with the structure. Plus, it’s a great way for both goats and pigs to bond and share in the fun! #TigerCreek #AnimalEnrichment #WildAboutChristmas
Did you know facts about Impalas???? * The name?"impala"?comes from a Zulu word which means "antelope." * Impala is an elegant and magnificent type of species. The animal has a slender body with the identifying "M"-like marking on the rear.? * Males are known as rams while females are referred to as ewes. * They are fleet runners who can leap up to 10 m in length and 3 m in height. They use their tremendous speed, agility to avoid predation and seemingly for pure enjoyment. * Only impala rams have horns. They boast of magnificent lyre-shaped ring horns which can reach up to 75cm in length. * They have long legs, necks and twisted horns; which males use to challenge each other in tests of strength. * Male impalas show their status to other rams through a scent gland on their foreheads. Impala rams fight throughout the breeding season for status, territory and when they lose rank, they produce less scent form this gland. * Impalas are?herbivores, which means they only eat vegetation. They can eat a number of different plant species, depending on what specific area they inhabit and the season. What other interesting facts do you know about impalas? #tembeakenya #travel #didyouknow #funfacts #safari #wanderlust
?? Wildlife Fridays: meet the white-nosed coati and check out their synchronized tail choreography ?? ? ?? Have you ever heard of the white-nosed coati? These playful creatures, native to Central and South America, are members of the Procyonidae family (like raccoons and their relatives) and are full of intriguing traits ?? ? ?? Pollinators: White-nosed coatis are crucial pollinators of the balsa tree. To feed on its nectar, they insert their noses into the flowers of the tree without damaging them. Pollen from the flowers then covers their cute faces following feeding. This mutualistic relationship benefits the coatis with hydration and nutrition and aids the balsa tree's proliferation through increased pollination. ? ?? Tree climbers: These agile animals are excellent climbers. They use their sharp claws to scale trees, where they often sleep and forage for food. They can also balance excellently on their tails (we’d love to capture this on camera one day). ? ♀Female bands: Even though the male coatis live solitary lives outside of the mating season (one common name of the animal in Spanish is gato solo), female coatis live in groups – called bands – of up to 30 individuals. These include offspring and males less than two years old. ? ?? Daytime explorers: Unlike many of their Procyonidae cousins, coatis are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. ? ?? Aren’t they just adorable? ? #WildlifeFriday #Conservation #Biodiversity #NatureLovers #pollinators #Wildlife #WildlifeConservation
HAPPY CATURDAY! ??????? Curious about how your feline friend sees in the dark? ??? Cats are often thought to have "night vision," but the truth is a bit more fascinating! While they can't see in total darkness, they can see up to six times better than humans in low-light conditions. This incredible ability comes from several unique adaptations in their eyes: - Larger Pupils: Cats have vertically slit pupils that can open wider than human pupils, allowing more light to enter their eyes. This helps them gather as much light as possible during twilight hours when they are most active. - Tapetum Lucidum: This reflective layer behind the retina acts like a mirror, bouncing light back through the retina and giving cats a second chance to absorb it. This is also what causes their eyes to glow in the dark! - Rod Cells: Cats have a higher concentration of rod cells in their retinas, which are sensitive to low light. This means they excel at seeing in dim conditions, making them excellent hunters at dusk and dawn. - Crepuscular Creatures: Unlike nocturnal animals, cats are crepuscular, meaning they thrive during the twilight hours. This hunting strategy allows them to catch prey when it's most active. So next time your cat is zooming around at night, remember that they’re not just being mischievous—they're simply embracing their natural instincts! ???? #CatFacts #NightVision #FelineFriends #NobleBeastDogTraining #DenverCatTraining #CatTraining
Let’s talk about a lovely bird: the shrike! Shrikes are passerine birds of the family Laniidae. What do we mean by passerine? That means they belong to the most common group of birds with 3 toes pointing forward and one toe pointing backwards for optimal perching ability. The Loggerhead Shrike is a year-round resident of Georgia. These predatory songbirds are commonly known as butcherbirds due to the habit of males impaling prey onto plant spines within their territories. The common English name shrike is from Old English scrīc, alluding to the shrike's shriek-like call. A few tidbits regarding shrike family matters: they are generally monogamous breeders. Interestingly, cooperative breeding with younger birds helping their parents raise the next generation of young, has been observed in multiple species of shrike. Males attract females to their territory with well-stocked caches which may include inedible brightly coloured items. Shrikes build cup-shaped nests from twigs and grasses, in bushes and the lower branches of trees. #shrikes #learningisfun #georgianativebirds Cartoon credited to